Centennial Bridge Improvement Project


SCH Number
Public Agency
University of California, Berkeley
Document Title
Centennial Bridge Improvement Project
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
A 55-year old bridge along Centennial Drive on the UC Berkeley campus is structurally unsound and located in an area prone to earthquakes and landslides. The project would replace this bridge by relocating Centennial Drive and constructing a new bridge structure to a parallel alignment offset 40 feet to the south of the existing roadway. Centennial Drive would cross the existing Lawrence Road over a new 250-foot long viaduct structure. The new structure would be designed for seismic loads and to accommodate possible landslide movement and mitigate the effect of landslide around the support elements. Construction would utilize a cast-in-place concrete box girder post-tensioned in place. Additionally, the project would slightly realign Centennial Drive to improve its profile grade from the existing condition on the west upslope side of the road to meet AASHTO roadway design standards. Upon completion of the structure, Centennial Drive would consist of two 12-foot wide lanes each with a 4-foot shoulder. The project may be relocate or protect in place an existing 12-inch water line and an existing 36-inch storm drain pipe.

Contact Information

Raphael Breines
Agency Name
UC Berkeley
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency


Berkeley, Oakland
Cross Streets
Centennial Drive at Lawrence Road, UC Berkeley Hill Campus

Notice of Exemption

Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Class 1 and Class 2
Reasons for Exemption
The project is categorically exempt under Class 1, Existing Facilities and Class 2, Replacement or Reconstruction. The project would be exempt under Class 1 as operational maintenance to ensure that the bridge meets current standards of public health and safety. The project is exempt under Class 2 as it involves reconstruction of an existing bridge with a new structure located in the same site and having substantially the same purpose and capacity of the structure replaced. The project is also exempt under Class 2(c), as it involves the replacement or reconstruction of existing utility systems involving negligible expansion. There are not unusual circumstances creating the possibility that the project will have a significant effect on the environment, pursuant to CEQA Section 15300.2.


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