Use Permit Modification 20-002/Bramlette: Minor Expansion


SCH Number
Public Agency
Mono County
Document Title
Use Permit Modification 20-002/Bramlette: Minor Expansion
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The proposal is to modify the existing use permit for Benton Hot Springs located at 55030 Highway 120 (APN 024-240-014) with the following changes: (1) authorize the 12 existing tub sites for 24-hour use/camping; (2) permit the installation and use of three new tub sites for maximum total of 15 tub sites; and (3) allow guests to use recreational vehicles (RVs) at the tub sites (RV hook-ups are not being permitted or installed as part of this proposal). The parcel has a Mixed Designation (MD) and the site-specific designation at the tub sites is Mixed Use (MU).

Contact Information

Kelly Karl
Agency Name
Mono County Community Development Department
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency


Parcel #

Notice of Exemption

Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Reasons for Exemption
The minor expansion of the existing uses on this parcel consists of the addition of three new tub sites. Two of the proposed tub sites (tub sites 13 & 14) are proposed in areas that are free of vegetation and would not require grading or any form of additional site disturbance. Proposed tub site 15, however, would require approximately 1,800-square feet of site disturbance (including 70’ of new road access & a 9’ x 18’ parking space) in the form of vegetation removal and minor grading. No additional site disturbance is proposed as part of this project and the maximum disturbance area from the addition of tub site 15 would be 1,800-square feet. The only new construction occurring at these sites is associated with the hot spring tubs themselves which is a total of 138-square feet for all three hot spring tubs (86-square feet, 16-square feet, and 36-square feet, respectively). In total 1,938-square feet of combined new construction and site disturbance is proposed which is well below the 2,500-square foot threshold of this exemption.
County Clerk


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