Metro Rail to Rail Active Transportation Corridor-Segment A


SCH Number
Public Agency
Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (LSCMTA)
Document Title
Metro Rail to Rail Active Transportation Corridor-Segment A
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The Project would install on- and off-street bicycle and pedestrian/multi-purpose paths within the existing street and Metro-owned ROW. The Project would use existing sidewalks and extend existing Class II bicycle lanes on West Boulevard. On 67111 Street, the Project would use the existing sidewalks and will designate the street as a Class Ill bicycle route. Street markings would be provided and bike route signs would be installed along the parkways of 67th Street. The City of Los Angeles 2010 Bicycle Plan Identifies West Boulevard and 67111 Street within the Project corridor as designated blkeways and bicycle friendly streets. This Plan also identifies the streets as part of a neighborhood blkeway network. At the Harbor Subdivision ROW (between 67th Street and Santa Fe Avenue), the Project would create two-way Class I bike paths and a separate pedestrian/multi-purpose pathway. The purpose of the Project is to provide safe dedicated walking and cycling transportation options to promote healthy neighborhoods and linkages between local communities, schools, shopping, employment centers, transit hubs, and other key destinations. It would facilitate opportunities for improved access to major transit facilities, such as the Metro Crenshaw/LAX Light Rail Transit Line, the Harbor Transit Way, the Metro Blue Line, and various rapid and local bus lines. The Project would also remove a prominent social equity barrier within the South Los Angeles community with new and improved access for pedestrians, cyclists, and transit riders traveling to and from schools, jobs, health care providers, as well as religious, commercial and cultural institutions. Beneficiaries of the Project include residents and employees who live and/or work within the vicinity of the Project Corridor. The area surrounding the Project Corridor has a high proportion of residents who are transit dependent and rely on walking and bicycling for both work commuting and daily life activities.

Contact Information

Emmanuel Cris Liban
Agency Name
Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency


Huntington Park, Los Angeles, Vernon
Los Angeles
Countywide, Southern California
Other Location Info
The Project would extend from the Crenshaw/LAX Fairview Heights Light Rail Station in the City of Inglewood through the City of Los Angeles, Florence-Graham (an unincorporated area of Los Angeles County), the City of Vernon, to the Harbor Subdivision right-of-way (ROW)/Santa Fe Avenue intersection in the City of Huntington Park. The western portion of the Project (approximately 0.5 miles in length) would be within the City of Los Angeles and City of Inglewood public street ROW while the remaining 5.9 miles would be located within the Metro-owned Harbor Subdivision ROW. The Project would start at the western terminus (I.e., Crenshaw/LAX Fairview Heights Light Rall Station) and travel north on West Boulevard until it meets 67th Street The sidewalk and parkway on the west side of West Boulevard Is within the City of Inglewood, while the street, parkway, and sidewalk on the east side of West Boulevard are within the City of Los Angeles. At 67th Street, the Project would travel east until the street meets 11111 Avenue and the Harbor Subdivision ROW. From there, the Project would travel northeast within the Harbor Subdivision ROW. After the ROW crosses Slauson Avenue (east of Western Avenue), the Proj??ct would travel east to Its eastern terminus, which is located just north of the Slauson Avenue/Santa Fe Avenue intersection in the City of Huntington Park.

Notice of Exemption

Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Class 4, Section 15304(h)
Reasons for Exemption
The Project would create bicycle lanes and a pedestrian/multi-purpose path within the existing street and public ROW. The Project would not involve the removal of healthy, mature, scenic trees. The Project would have no impacts on traffic, air quality, noise, historical resources, or other impact categories. The Project would follow Metro standard practices and procedures in coordinating and complying with the regulatory permit requirements of the affected jurisdictions, as well as other requirements from the South Coast Air Quality Management District, California Public Utilities Commission, and the California Department of Toxic Substances Control Voluntary Cleanup Program. In addition, it Is standard Metro practice to comply with local noise ordinances.
County Clerk
Los Angeles


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