Local Road and Multi-Use Path Rehabilitation
SCH Number
Public Agency
City of Mammoth Lakes
Document Title
Local Road and Multi-Use Path Rehabilitation
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
Rehabilitate various sections of existing asphalt pavement roads and multi-use paths (MUPs), including: Mountain Boulevard (entire), Red Fir Road (entire), Commerce Circle (entire), portions of Monterey Pine Road, Majestic Pines Drive, Sherwin St, Mammoth Creek MUP, South Highway 203 MUP, and North Meridian Boulevard MUP. The geometry and limits of all roadways and MUPs will remain the same. Existing utilities will be adjusted to match new grade of roadways as necessary. New striping will be installed. The purpose of the project is to repair deteriorated pavement sections that have poor ride quality due to cracking, sinking and uneven patching. The need for the project is heightened because Mammoth Lakes receives heavy snowfall and the condition of the roads and MUPs deteriorates rapidly.
Contact Information
Amy Callanan
Agency Name
Town of Mammoth Lakes
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
Mammoth Lakes
Other Location Info
Various local roads and multi-use paths (MUPs) in Mammoth Lakes
Other Information
Mountain Boulevard (entire), Red Fir Road (entire), Commerce Circle (entire), portions of Monterey Pine Road, Majestic Pines Drive, Sherwin St, Mammoth Creek MUP, South Highway 203 MUP, and North Meridian Boulevard MUP
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Repair and minor alteration of existing facility, Sec. 15301 (c)
Reasons for Exemption
The proposed project involves repair and reconstruction of existing asphalt and concrete pavement, and improvements to existing stormwater management facilities such as valley gutters. As such, the project represents negligible expansion of an existing use and any alterations are minor.
The reconstruction includes pulverization and partial removal of existing asphalt and concrete pavement and aggregate base, placing geotextile subgrade stabilization fabric (north 500ft of Sherwin Street only), recompacting subgrade and base, and placing new asphalt and concrete pavement surface. Stormwater management improvements may involve removal of existing concrete valley gutters, recompacting subgrade, and placing new concrete gutters. All work is to be conducted within previously disturbed area only.
County Clerk
Notice of Exemption
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