Environmental Review Application No. 7979 - CSA 49 Five Points Water System
SCH Number
Public Agency
Fresno County
Document Title
Environmental Review Application No. 7979 - CSA 49 Five Points Water System
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The Project consists of drilling and constructing two new water wells and related infrastructure including approximately 500 feet of underground pipeline to connect the new wells with an existing 80,000 gallon storage tank, and approximately 250 feet of underground electrical conduit to connect the wells control panels with controls located at the adjacent surface water treatment facility, within the County of Fresno for the purpose of replacing treated surface water supply with groundwater to serve County Service Area 49 (CSA 49) in the unincorporated community of Westside in western Fresno County.
Contact Information
Christian Montoya
Agency Name
County of Fresno
Contact Types
Project Applicant
Jeremy Shaw
Agency Name
County of Fresno
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
Cross Streets
Highway 145 and Excelsior Avenue
Westside Elementary School
Other Location Info
The Project site is located approximately 1,600 feet west of the Highway 145/Excelsior Avenue intersection in Five Points, California in the northwestern corner of the Westside Elementary School Site (19191 Excelsior Avenue, Five Points, CA; APN 060-041-17T).
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Categorical exemption: Sections 15303 and 15304
Reasons for Exemption
The wells will be installed to replace the existing surface water as a source for the existing users. The wells and pipeline and electrical conduit will be undergrounded and installed on the school site adjacent to the existing surface water treatment facility and will connect to the existing storage tank on the surface water treatment facility via the proposed pipeline. The wells will be installed in an area that has previously been
disturbed. The wells will provide potable water to existing users of the community water system and no expansion of capacity is proposed. Construction will involve minor trenching and backfilling where the ground surface will be restored once construction is complete.
County Clerk
Notice of Exemption
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