Space Assignment at 155 Cannery Street


SCH Number
Public Agency
Port of Los Angeles
Document Title
Space Assignment at 155 Cannery Street
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Present Land Use
Fumigation operations and container storage
Document Description
The proposed project is for issuance of a Space Assignment to GPM for continuation of existing fumigation operations and storage of cargo containers at 155 Cannery Street in Terminal Island, CA 90731. Additionally, under the proposed project GPM would increase its fumigation tent stack height to 58'. This Space Assignment would be valid for 12 months upon issuance.

Contact Information

Zoe Irish
Agency Name
City of Los Angeles- Port of Los Angeles (Harbor Department)
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency

Agency Name
Global Pest Management
Contact Types
Project Applicant


San Pedro
Los Angeles
Other Location Info
155 Cannery Street, Terminal Island

Notice of Exemption

Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Article III Class 1(18(d)) of the LA City CEQA Guidelines and Sections 15301, 15302, &15303 of the State CEQA Guidelines
Reasons for Exemption
Existing Facilities: Class 1 consists of the operation, repair, maintenance, permitting, leasing, licensing, or minor alteration of existing public or private structures, facilities, mechanical equipment, or topographical features, involving negligible or no expansion of existing or former use. Replacement or Reconstruction: Class 2 consists of replacement or reconstruction of existing structures and facilities where the new structure will be located on the same site as the structure replaced and will have substantially the same purpose and capacity as the structure replaced. New Construction or Conversion of Small Structures: Class 3 consists of construction and location of limited numbers of new, small facilities or structures; installation of small new equipment and facilities in structures; and the conversion of existing small structures from one use to another where only minor modifications are made in the exterior of the structure. City of LA Article III Class 1(18(d)): Issuance of permits, leases, agreements, berth and space assignments, and renewals, amendments or extensions thereof, or other entitlements granting use of the following existing facilities and land and water use areas involving negligible or no expansion of use and/or alteration or modification of the facilities or its operations beyond that previously existing or permitted: (d) Storage areas for domestic shipment receipt and foreign import-export commodities.


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