CP Avery to CP Songs Signal Respacing Project


SCH Number
Public Agency
Southern California Regional Rail Authority
Document Title
CP Avery to CP Songs Signal Respacing Project
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Present Land Use
Railroad Right-of-Way
Document Description
Under the Project, the existing eastbound intermediate signal located approximately 100 feet south of Avenida Estacion’s intersection with North El Camino Real at Senda De La Playa (Mile Post [MP] 203.56) would be removed. The westbound signal 2031 at this location will remain. Three new intermediate signals and three new positive train control (PTC) antennae towers would be installed, at CP Lantern (MP 202.4242), Intermediate Signal 2036 (MP 203.959), and CP Pier (MP 205.153). The new PTC antennae towers would be approximately 45 feet in height and positioned approximately 33 feet from the centerline of the mainline tracks. The Project’s physical footprint would be discontinuous and limited to those areas along the Project corridor where a new signal, PTC antenna tower, and power source are proposed. SCRRA’s goal for implementing the Project is to enhance operational flexibility and increase safety and reliability along portions of the Orange County Subdivision within the Cities of Dana Point and San Clemente. Once installed, the Project would provide independent utility by adding two eastbound and two westbound blocks of separation for train traffic within the Project corridor.

Contact Information

Chris Haskell
Agency Name
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency

Agency Name
Southern California Regional Rail Authority
Contact Types
Project Applicant


Dana Point, San Clemente
Citywide, Countywide, Southern California
Other Location Info
CP Lantern is at Mile Post 202.4242 (Dana Point), Intermediate Signal 2036 is at Mile Post 203.959 (San Clemente), and CP Pier is at Mile Post 205.153 (San Clemente).

Notice of Exemption

Exempt Status
Statutory Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Reasons for Exemption
The project would modernize commuter service by enhancing operational flexibility and increasing safety and reliability on an existing rail line.


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