Butano Creek Channel Stabilization and Habitat Enhancement at Cloverdale Road Bridge
SCH Number
Public Agency
San Mateo County Resource Conservation District
Document Title
Butano Creek Channel Stabilization and Habitat Enhancement at Cloverdale Road Bridge
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Present Land Use
Zoned as Planned Agriultural District/Coastal Development
Document Description
The Project will address channel incision and instream habitat complexity along the reach of Butano Creek at the Cloverdale Road bridge. The project will address multiple benefits through process-based ecosystem restoration. Reversing incision will directly address significant structural deficiencies related to pier scour and bank erosion at the bridge. Addressing bank failures at the bridge site will further reduce localized erosion into Butano Creek, which is listed under the State's 303d list as impaired for sediment. The project will also improve instream habitat complexity by providing enhancement in terms of pools, cover, and refugia for salmonids and other aquatic species (e.g., California red-legged frog) along the 625-ft project reach of Butano Creek. The Project will result in greatly improved habitat conditions in terms of erosion, sediment supply, sediment storage, and instream habitat complexity, while providing the additional benefits of increased structural integrity for the bridge and improved access/egress for the town of Pescadero. The Project will accomplish all of this by raising the channel bed with engineered stream material, creating new pools and large woody debris structures in the restored channel, using a mix of bio-engineered and engineered solutions for bank stabilization, and implementing an aggressive planting plan that includes willow stake plantings and container planting along the banks within the project reach.
Contact Information
Jarrad Fisher
Agency Name
San Mateo Resrouce Conservation District
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
Agency Name
San Mateo Resource Conservation District
Contact Types
Project Applicant
San Mateo
Cross Streets
Cloverdale Road and Eden West Road
Total Acres
Parcel #
086-290-060, 087-220-060, 087-220-050
Butano Creek
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Class 33, Sec. 15333 (Small Habitat Restoration Projects)
Reasons for Exemption
The project is a habitat enhancement project and has been explicitly designed to address known limiting factors and impairments in Butano Creek, including incision, bank erosion, and a lack of channel complexity. Instream habitat restoration and bank stabilization are actions covered under this Categorical Exemption (15333). This project is less than 5 acres and will not result in any significant adverse effects on the environment. The Project will serve the public interest and welfare by reducing the risk of continued erosion and incision at the Cloverdale Road Bridge piers, stabilizing the channel bank, and enhancing water quality and aquatic habitat for several special-status species including California red-legged frog, coho, steelhead, and San Francisco garter snake. A CEQA screening memo has been prepared to support the conclusion that his project meets both the legal requirements and spirit of Categorical Exemption 15333. This memo is available upon request.
Notice of Exemption
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