Upper Santa Clara River Field Investigation of Potential Recharge Sites


SCH Number
Public Agency
Santa Clarita Valley Water Agency
Document Title
Upper Santa Clara River Field Investigation of Potential Recharge Sites
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
As part of SCVWA’s mission, the Agency continues to research and develop options to supplement its diversified water supply portfolio. Two previous studies, commissioned by SCVWA’s predecessor agencies Newhall County Water District and Castaic Lake Water Agency, identified locations of interest for possible groundwater recharge activities. Building on these prior efforts, SCVWA intends on collecting the necessary site-specific field data to determine the viability and sustainability of each location’s recharge capacity. The whole of the action is a pilot study investigation at each site that will include: land surveys, geophysical surveys, soil borings, soil characterization, infiltration testing, aquifer testing, up to 3 monitoring wells (converted from soil borings), water level monitoring, measured depth to groundwater, depth to bedrock, and thickness of the alluvial aquifer beneath the proposed recharge area. Site access agreements will be procured before information collection activities occur. The data that is collected will be utilized to calculate infiltration rates, conduct mounding assessments, calculate the groundwater gradient, evaluate the groundwater velocity, and update the existing local groundwater model with site specific information.

Contact Information

Dirk Marks
Agency Name
Santa Clarita Valley Water Agency
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency


Los Angeles
Other Location Info
Santa Clarita Valley Water Agency (“SCVWA” or “Agency”) is located in Los Angeles and Ventura Counties approximately 34 miles north of Downtown Los Angeles. The pilot study sites are located in the portion of SCVWA’s service boundaries that are solely within Los Angeles County along the Upper Santa Clara River on East end of the Santa Clarita Valley.

Notice of Exemption

Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
See CEQA Guidelines Section 15306 (Class 6)
Reasons for Exemption
The project, aka the whole of the action, qualifies for an exemption under both the Feasibility Upper Santa Clara River Field Investigation of Potential Recharge Sites and Planning Studies statutory exemption (§15262) and a categorical exemption for information collection (Class 6, §15306 of the State CEQA Guidelines), since the activities involve a conceptual plan associated with feasibility and planning studies for possible future actions, as well as basic data collection and resource evaluation activities, which do not result in a serious or major disturbance to an environmental resource. These activities are strictly for information gathering purposes, as part of a study leading to actions which the SCVWA Board has not yet approved, adopted, or funded. Additionally, none of the exceptions in §15300.2 apply to the proposed actions. Impacts at both locations will be temporary and will be conducted consistently with any necessary permitting requirements from the California Department of Fish and Wildlife.

Exempt Status
Statutory Exemption
Type, Section or Code
See CEQA Guidelines Section 15262.
Reasons for Exemption
The project, aka the whole of the action, qualifies for an exemption under both the Feasibility Upper Santa Clara River Field Investigation of Potential Recharge Sites and Planning Studies statutory exemption (§15262) and a categorical exemption for information collection (Class 6, §15306 of the State CEQA Guidelines), since the activities involve a conceptual plan associated with feasibility and planning studies for possible future actions, as well as basic data collection and resource evaluation activities, which do not result in a serious or major disturbance to an environmental resource. These activities are strictly for information gathering purposes, as part of a study leading to actions which the SCVWA Board has not yet approved, adopted, or funded. Additionally, none of the exceptions in §15300.2 apply to the proposed actions. Impacts at both locations will be temporary and will be conducted consistently with any necessary permitting requirements from the California Department of Fish and Wildlife.


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