Del Valle Dam Stilling Basin Inspection and Maintenance (OM-DFD-2020-017)
SCH Number
Public Agency
California Department of Water Resources
Document Title
Del Valle Dam Stilling Basin Inspection and Maintenance (OM-DFD-2020-017)
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
DWR staff will inspect the Del Valle Dam spillway. Maintenance work will be completed within the stilling basin: 1.A flap gate will be replaced at the seepage vault outfall. 2.Catwalk panels will be installed replace lost panels. A generator will power two 6-inch pumps to dewater the basin. The flow will be directed via hoses into the normal downstream discharge. Scaffolding will be installed to temporary access the flap gate. Staging will be at the unpaved area. Access to the site is directly off Arroyo Road using the main entrance into Del Valle Pumping Plant. The entire project is within DWR right-of-way.
Contact Information
Todd Percival
Agency Name
Department of Water Resources
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
Agency Name
Division of Operations and Maintenance
Contact Types
Project Applicant
Northern California, San Francisco Bay Area
Other Information
South Bay Aqueduct (SBA) Del Valle MM 1.73.
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Class 1, Existing Facilities, Section No. 15301(b)
Reasons for Exemption
The State Water Project provides significant and important services to many Californians. This project is exempt because it involves routine maintenance activities. This project will not result in impacts to special status species or habitat. Because this activity can be implemented without any significant environmental impacts, the Categorical Exemption Class 1 will be used for CEQA compliance.
Notice of Exemption
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