KVS Farms
SCH Number
Public Agency
Lake County
Document Title
KVS Farms
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Present Land Use
Document Description
Kevin Santos is seeking a Minor Use Permit from the County of Lake for a proposed commercial cannabis cultivation operation at 11407 Elk Mountain Road near Upper Lake, California on Lake County APN 002-048-50 (Project Property/Parcel), composed of three A – Type 1C “Specialty Cottage” Mixed-Light Tier 1 cultivation areas with A-Type 13 Distributor Transport Only, Self-Distribution. Current and previous land uses of the project property are/were rural residential and agriculture (organic walnut orchard). The project property is currently improved with a groundwater well, a single family residence, a 616 ft2 accessory structure containing a 2,500-gallon fire water storage tank, a ~2,500 ft2 Ag shop, and two 3,000 ft2 greenhouse structures. The proposed cultivation operation will consist of four 3,000 ft2 greenhouse structures, a 1,000 ft2 wooden cannabis drying area, a 500 ft2 wooden processing area, a 100 ft2 wooden pesticides & agricultural chemicals storage area, and an additional 2,500-gallon metal fire water storage tank on a concrete slab. The proposed cultivation areas will be located within greenhouse structures, composed of steel frames with 6-mil polyethylene film coverings and polycarbonate covered end walls, and encircled with 6-foot tall chain-link fences. Three of the existing/proposed greenhouse structures will each contain 2,496 ft2 of canopy (7,488 ft2 total), and a fourth proposed greenhouse structure will contain 3,000 ft2 of immature plant area. The growing medium of the proposed cultivation areas will be an imported organic soil mixture in plastic nursery pots and wood-framed planting beds, with drip and micro-spray irrigation systems.
Contact Information
Sateur Ham
Agency Name
Lake County Community Development Department
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
Agency Name
Kevin Santos
Contact Types
Project Applicant
Upper Lake
Northern California, Unincorporated
Cross Streets
Elk Mountain Road
Total Acres
Parcel #
Other Location Info
11407 Elk Mountain Road, Upper Lake, CA 95458
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
15301, Class 1
Reasons for Exemption
Class 1-Existing Structures. The project would consist of new construction of small structures used within the cultivation area including the construction of (2) 3,000 ft2 greenhouses, 1,000 ft2 cannabis drying area, 500 ft2 processing area, and 100 ft2 pesticides and agricultural chemicals storage.
Exempt Status
Type, Section or Code
Sec. 21080(b)(1); 15268
Reasons for Exemption
The project would consist of new construction of small structures used within the cultivation area including the construction of (2) 3,000 ft2 greenhouses, 1,000 ft2 cannabis drying area, 500 ft2 processing area, and 100 ft2 pesticides and agricultural chemicals storage. Under section 15268 ministerial project, the proposed structures will be exempt from the requirements of CEQA. In the Lake County Zoning Ordinance Article 5, the permitted use include greenhouse structures within the agricultural zoned property. Categorical exemption Class 1 allows minor alteration to the existing topographical feature—an existing organic walnut orchard—to allow small structures to house the proposed cultivation area that can be used as a safety or health protection ie. odor control (appurtenant structures), sediment runoff (storage).
Notice of Exemption
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