Demoss Driveway Improvement (Lake or Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2020-0071-R3)


SCH Number
Public Agency
California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Bay Delta Region 3 (CDFW)
Document Title
Demoss Driveway Improvement (Lake or Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2020-0071-R3)
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The California Department of Fish and Wildlife has executed Lake and Streambed Alteration Agreement number 1600-2020-0071-R3, pursuant to Section 1602 of the Fish and Game Code to Knittel Construction, Inc. The project is limited to relocating an existing stream crossing approximately 10 feet downstream. Two approximately 24-inch diameter, 20-foot long corrugated metal pipes will be removed and replaced with one approximately 20-foot long, by 83 inches wide, by 53 inches high elliptical concrete pipe. The new concrete pipe has been designed to convey the estimated 100-year flow for the subject stream. At the culvert inlet and outlet, approximately 10 cubic yards of 12- to 18-inch rock will be placed in the channel for scour protection. Live willow poles will be staked along the edges of the rip rap at the culvert outlet. The existing headwalls will be removed and replaced (i.e. total of four headwalls – two on the upstream and downstream sides of the culvert) and to compensate for permanent impacts to approximately 100 square feet of the stream, the project includes native riparian plantings over an area of at least 100 square feet upstream of the new culvert.

Contact Information

Garrett Allen
Agency Name
Department of Fish and Wildlife
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency

Agency Name
Knittel Construction, Inc
Contact Types
Project Applicant


Other Location Info
The project is located along an unnamed tributary to Hagen Creek at 2240 First Avenue,

Notice of Exemption

Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Reasons for Exemption
The project includes the replacement of an existing culvert with a slightly larger culvert at the same location, which will have substantially the same purpose of the existing culvert.


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