Permit No. 19105: California American Water - Water Distribution Improvement Project
SCH Number
Public Agency
Central Valley Flood Protection Board
Document Title
Permit No. 19105: California American Water - Water Distribution Improvement Project
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
To authorize the existing 8-inch diameter asbestos-cement water main along First and B Streets and to install a new High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) extension of that pipeline along First and A Streets. The pipeline extension shall be limited to looping the existing dead-end main along First Street to the adjacent pipeline along Second Street. Also, to authorize existing water pipelines and related appurtenances above the design water surface elevation that provide service to nine service connections, one commercial fire service, and two fire hydrants. All construction activities will be located on the left (south) bank levee of the Sacramento River in the City of Isleton.
Contact Information
Jennifer Stewart
Agency Name
Central Valley Flood Protection Board
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
Agency Name
California American Water
Contact Types
Project Applicant
Other Location Info
The project is located along First Street and Second Street, between A and C Street in the City of Isleton, Sacramento County.
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
§15301 and §15303
Reasons for Exemption
Board staff has determined the project is exempt from CEQA under the Class 1, Existing Facilities and Class 3, New Construction or Conversion of Small Structures categorical exemptions (CEQA Guidelines §15301 and §15303), because the activity consisted of maintenance/repair to existing pipelines and related appurtenances of publicly-owned utilities used to provide water. In addition, the project includes the installation of small, new equipment (a pipeline/water main extension) for additional water service connections. Further, none of the exceptions to the exemption in CEQA Guidelines § 15300.2 apply.
Notice of Exemption
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