California Aqueduct MP 139.35 Temporary Irrigation Line Replacement


SCH Number
Public Agency
California Department of Water Resources (DWR)
Document Title
California Aqueduct MP 139.35 Temporary Irrigation Line Replacement
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The California Department of Water Resources will contract with Diversified Project Services International, Inc. (DPSI) to replace a leaking 700-foot, 12-inch diameter aluminum irrigation pipe at MP 139.35. All existing aluminum piping, k-rail, and road crossings will be removed and placed in a lay-down yard on the west side of the Aqueduct and disposed of by DPSI at an approved facility upon completion of the project. Sections of SDR 17 UV rated high density polyethylene (HDPE) pipe will be fusion welded to one another using a McElroy 412 track unit with a data logger. The welded 12-inch HDPE piping will be hung from east to west through existing hanging pipe supports on the bridge and through 16" carbon steel pipe casings located under both the east and west road crossings. DPSI will visually inspect the new HDPE line as it is installed and will perform noninvasive tests to identify any voids in the welds. DPSI will also complete a post installation flow test to identify leaks. Once the line is in place, an approximately 3 feet deep by 3 feet wide by 15 feet long hole will excavated on each side of the Aqueduct and a 16-inch road crossing casing with centralizers and rubber closure seals will be placed in each hole and backfilled with sand slurry. Up to eight 6-inch diameter concrete-filled metal bollards will be placed at each end of the new irrigation pipe to prevent damage from vehicles or farming equipment. Local irrigators and SWP users will benefit.

Contact Information

Charyce Hatler
Agency Name
California Department of Water Resources
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency


Cross Streets
Fresno-Coalinga Road
Other Location Info
MP 139.35 is located approximately 3.81 miles northwest of where the Fresno-Coalinga Road crosses the Aqueduct.

Notice of Exemption

Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
15301 (Existing Facilities)
Reasons for Exemption
Work involves repair of an existing, leaking irrigation pipeline that crosses the Aqueduct. Although the repair requires replacement of the existing pipe, the new pipe will not expand the existing use. Categorical Exemption 15301 applies.


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