Imperial Western Products Microgrid Project


SCH Number
Public Agency
California Energy Commission
Document Title
Imperial Western Products Microgrid Project
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The purpose of this project is to design, install, and operate a solar microgrid system that reduces electricity consumption and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions at the existing Imperial Western Products (IWP) 36-acre organic food recycling facility in the community of Thermal within the City of Coachella, California. The microgrid project consists of 2,105 roof and carport mounted solar photovoltaic panels totaling 842 kilowatts, and a battery energy storage system (BESS) that will provide a minimum of 3.1 hours of stored energy at maximum critical load. The project includes demolition of one 2,000 square foot carport structure and installation of three new solar panel carports over existing parking stalls totaling 21,736 square feet, and installation of 33,763 square feet of new solar panels on the rooftops of four existing industrial buildings. The project does not entail any expansions in floor area. The BESS will be provided in its own 20-foot x 8-foot outdoor-rated enclosure container and it will include fire alarm, fire suppression system, and HVAC. It will be a UL-certified product. Trenching approximately 36 inches deep will be completed entirely within the property to connect the solar panels and BESS components of the microgrid. The BESS will be placed on a 25-foot x 12-foot concrete pad. By installing the project, IWP will be able to reduce its total grid energy usage by more than 35 percent, reducing its GHG emissions by over one-third. The proposed microgrid will also allow IWP to continue operations in the event of a utility blackout. The City of Coachella Development Services Director has determined that the project qualifies for a ministerial review including plan check and permitting by the City of Coachella, the project meets all Zoning Development standards, and no discretionary actions are involved in the local review and approval process. The project is consistent with the California Energy Commission’s mission of leading the state to a 100 percent clean energy future.

Contact Information

Kaycee Chang
Agency Name
California Energy Commission
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency

Agency Name
Imperial Western Products, Inc., A California Corporation
Contact Types
Project Applicant


Parcel #
Other Location Info
86600 Avenue 54, Coachella 92236, Riverside

Notice of Exemption

Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Cal. Code Regs., tit 14, § 15301
Reasons for Exemption
The purpose of this project is to design, install, and operate a solar microgrid system that reduces electricity consumption and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions at the existing Imperial Western Products (IWP) organic recycling facility in Coachella, California. This project will involve the installation of solar energy systems on the roofs of four existing buildings and three new carports over existing parking lots. The installation of the solar photovoltaic panels will enable the generation of energy for onsite use at an organic food recycling facility in the City of Coachella. Associated equipment of each solar energy system will not occupy more than 500 square feet of ground surface and will be located on the same parcel as the solar panels. The project does not involve a federal Clean Water Act permit; waste discharge requirements pursuant to the Porter-Cologne Water Quality Control Act; an individual take permit for species protected under the federal Endangered Species Act or the California Endangered Species Act; streambed alteration permit pursuant to the California Fish and Game Code; or removal of protected or native trees. For these reasons, this project is statutorily exempt from CEQA under Public Resources Code section 21080.35.

Exempt Status
Statutory Exemption
Type, Section or Code
PRC § 21080.35
Reasons for Exemption
The purpose of this project is to design, install, and operate a solar microgrid system that reduces electricity consumption and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions at the existing Imperial Western Products (IWP) organic recycling facility in Coachella, California. This project will involve the installation of solar energy systems on the roofs of four existing buildings and three new carports over existing parking lots. The installation of the solar photovoltaic panels will enable the generation of energy for onsite use at an organic food recycling facility in the City of Coachella. Associated equipment of each solar energy system will not occupy more than 500 square feet of ground surface and will be located on the same parcel as the solar panels. The project does not involve a federal Clean Water Act permit; waste discharge requirements pursuant to the Porter-Cologne Water Quality Control Act; an individual take permit for species protected under the federal Endangered Species Act or the California Endangered Species Act; streambed alteration permit pursuant to the California Fish and Game Code; or removal of protected or native trees. For these reasons, this project is statutorily exempt from CEQA under Public Resources Code section 21080.35.


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