Cambria Hotel Project


SCH Number
Public Agency
City of Dublin
Document Title
Cambria Hotel Project
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The project includes the construction of a 138-room hotel. The new six-story hotel will consist of four stories of guest rooms and amenities over two stories of podium parking, and related landscaping and site improvements.

Contact Information

Amy Million
Agency Name
City of Dublin Community Development Department
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency

Agency Name
Jerry Hunt VP-RPG Dublin, LLC
Contact Types
Project Applicant


Cross Streets
7950 Dublin Blvd.
Parcel #
941-1500-037-00 and 941-1500-036-02

Notice of Exemption

Exempt Status
Statutory Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Sections 15182
Reasons for Exemption
CEQA Guidelines section 15182(b) exempts from CEQA commercial projects with floor area ratios of at least 0.75 if the project is within a “transit priority area” as defined, is consistent with a specific plan for which an EIR was certified, and is consistent with the various policies specified for the area under certain plans. The project meets all of the eligibility criteria for the exemption. The project is located within the Transit-Oriented District of the Downtown Dublin Specific Plan (DDSP), which was the subject of an Environmental Impact Report (EIR), State Clearinghouse number 20100022005. The DDSP Final EIR was certified by City Council Resolution No. 08-11 on February 1, 2011. The project was further examined under Section 15182(b) (2) to determine if any of the standards contained in CEQA Guidelines Section 15162 requiring preparation of supplemental environmental review would be met. The analysis concluded that none of the standards requiring supplemental environmental review to the DDSP EIR are met and thus no additional environmental review is required. Therefore, the Project is exempt from CEQA review under CEQA Guidelines sec. 15182.


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