OCWD Monitoring Well FM-35
SCH Number
Public Agency
Orange County Water District
Document Title
OCWD Monitoring Well FM-35
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The proposed Project involves the construction of a new monitoring well cluster, designated FM-35, within the paved parking lot of an industrial property in the City of Fullerton. OCWD installed extraction well EW-1 in 2008 as part of a network of six extraction wells to capture and contain groundwater containing volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in the northern area of the Orange County Groundwater Basin, referred to as North Basin. EW-1 is the easternmost of the six extraction wells. After the six extraction wells, including EW-1, were installed, that project was put on hold for reevaluation and construction of the wellheads was not completed. However, due to an imminent threat to the Principal Aquifer and down-gradient City of Fullerton production wells, construction of EW-1 was completed and the well started operating in September 2017. The RWQCB and SWRCB requested OCWD install a monitoring well cluster directly down-gradient of EW1 and upgradient of Fullerton production well F-10 in order to (1) measure depth-discrete water levels down-gradient of EW-1 to assist with the preparation of groundwater contours that depict the approximate capture zone of EW-1; (2) evaluate depth-discrete VOC concentrations down-gradient of the EW-1 capture zone; and (3) Provide data to support potential adjustments to EW-1’s pumping rates under varying groundwater levels and gradients.
Contact Information
Shawn Nevill
Agency Name
Orange County Water District
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
Cross Streets
2100 E. Valencia Drive
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Class 3, Section 15303
Reasons for Exemption
The proposed project involves limited construction of a monitoring well cluster within a paved parking lot on an industrial (warehouse) site devoid of any sensitive habitat and falls within Class 3 descriptions for the new construction of small structures.
Notice of Exemption
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