Determination of Substantial Conformance No. 2 for the approved Plot Plan 17-05 for the MS Van Buren II Business Park located at 21750 -21880 Van Buren Blvd
SCH Number
Public Agency
March Joint Powers Authority
Document Title
Determination of Substantial Conformance No. 2 for the approved Plot Plan 17-05 for the MS Van Buren II Business Park located at 21750 -21880 Van Buren Blvd
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
Since the approval of Plot Plan 17-05, the applicant is proposing supplemental changes to the previously approved project. These changes include the following: Building's 10-12:
1) Remove landscaping behind Building's 10 and 11 to accommodate the proposed concrete service area.
2) Add one (1) 14'x10' glass roll up door to each building elevation facing the service area.
3) Modify the paint scheme to match the MS Van Buren I Business Park, the business park to the east of the project site.
4) Eliminate 46 parking stalls along Economic Drive to accommodate the pre-treatment area as per the Precise Grading Plans.
Retail Building:
5) Modify the paint scheme to match the MS Van Buren I Business Park, the business park to the east of the project site.
6) Replace the previously approved yellow awning to blue to match the retail building located at the MS Van Buren I Park located to the east of the project site.
7) Add decorative steel trellis and landscape along the west and east building elevations.
Buildings l -9:
8) Replace the previously approved accent color Sherwin Williams "Pottery Um" with "Denim Blue" to match the MS Van Buren I Business Park, the business park located to the east of the project.
Overall Site Plan changes:
9) Due to the proposed changes, the total onsite landscape has been reduced from 136,695 sf to 118,790 sf with a percent landscape change from 23.1%to20%
10) Due to the proposed changes, the total number of parking spaces has been reduced from 527 spaces to 481 spaces
According to the March JPA Development Code§ 9.02.280, the March Joint Powers Authority has determined that the proposed changes associated with the previously approved development project are in substantial conformance 17-05. The proposed project are minor alterations to a previously approved Plot Plan with no direct changes to the building height or square footage. Pursuant to CEQA, the filing of a Notice of Exemption is required.
Contact Information
Lauren Sotelo
Agency Name
March Joint Powers Authority
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
Agency Name
Silagi Development and Management, Inc.
Contact Types
Project Applicant
Cross Streets
21750 -21880 Van Buren Boulevard, Meridian Parkway and Van Buren Boulevard
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Type, Section or Code
Section 15061 (b)(3)
Reasons for Exemption
The project was originally approved subject to an Addendum to the Certified Subsequent Environmental Impact Report for the Meridian Specific Plan Amendment (SCH# 2009071069), pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act. The March Joint Powers Authority finds that the project is exempt from State CEQA Guidelines under Section 15061 (b)(3). Under Section 15061 (b)(3), "The activity is covered by the common sense exemption that CEQA applies only to projects, which have the potential for causing. a significant effect on the environment. Where it can be seen with certainty that there is no possibility that the activity in question may have a significant effect on the environment, the activity is not subject to CEQA." The proposed changes include minor modifications to the previously approved site plan and building elevations for the MS Van Buren II Business Park. The proposed modifications do not have the potential for causing any new significant effects to the environment which was not previously analyzed in the Initial Study for Plot Plan 17-05. Thus not making it a "Project" per its definition under State CEQA Guidelines Section 21065.
Notice of Exemption
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