Design Plan 22-06: South Campus Buildings H and I Warehouse Project
11 Documents in Project
SCH Number
Public Agency
March Joint Powers Authority
Document Title
Design Plan 22-06: South Campus Buildings H and I Warehouse Project
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
On November 9, 2022, the March Joint Powers Authority, through its March Business Center Implementation Committee, granted ministerial design approvals for Design Plan 22-06 for South Campus Buildings., which consist of two speculative warehouses on approximately 13.67 acres zoned Business Park as specified in the March Business Center Specific Plan (SP-1, A8). The project site also includes a 06-acre above ground detention basin
South Campus Buildings H and I were previously approved in January 2021 and analyzed in the Subsequent Environmental Impact Report for the Meridian South Campus Specific Plan and Village West Drive Extension Project (SCH #2020059028. Under that approval, South Campus Buildings H and I were entitled to incorporate the following improvements:
• Building H: construction of 119,978 square foot speculative warehouse building, including an 8,000 square foot office area and a 4,000 square foot equipment/mezzanine platform on 6.42 acres in the Business Park zoning district of the March South Campus Specific Plan.
• Building I: construction of a 141,810 square foot speculative warehouse building, including an 8,000 square foot office area and a 4,000 square foot equipment/mezzanine platform ing on 7.25 acres in the Business Park zoning district of the March South Campus Specific Plan.
Contact Information
Jeffrey Smith
Agency Name
March Joint Powers Authority
Job Title
Principal Planner
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
Unincorporated Riverside County
Southern California, Unincorporated
Cross Streets
Northwest corner of Village West Drive and Krameria Avenue
Other Location Info
The proposed South Campus Buildings H and I Warehouse Project (Project) is located south of Van Buren Boulevard and west of Village West Drive, specifically at the northwest corner of Village West Drive and Krameria Avenue.
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Type, Section or Code
Sec. 21080(b)(1); 15268
Reasons for Exemption
South Campus Buildings H and I were previously approved in January 2021 and analyzed under the Subsequent Environmental Impact Report for the Meridian South Campus Specific Plan and Village West Drive Extension Project (SCH #2020059028). Approval of Design Plan 22-06 for South Campus Buildings H and I is a ministerial approval because it involved little or no personal judgment as to the wisdom or manner of carrying out construction of South Campus Buildings H and I and instead applied fixed standards and objective measurements. Approval of the Design Plan is this a ministerial activity and not a project within the meaning of CEQA. (Public Res. Code § 21080(b)(1); State CEQA Guidelines § 15369.)
Further, the approval of the Design Plan is exempt from environmental review because it is a ministerial activity. (State CEQA Guidelines § 15268(a).) The Design Plan underwent a ministerial review process and was found consistent with the development standards under the March Business Center Specific Plan (SP-1, Amendment No. 8), the March Business Center Design Guidelines, and he adopted Mitigation Measures for the Meridian South Campus Specific Plan and Village West Drive Extension SEIR (SCH 20200059028). All services and access to the project site is made available through the Specific Plan (SP-1, A8).
The determination that the Design Plan 22-06 was consistent involved no discretionary judgement by the March Business Center Implementation Committee and involved only the use of fixed and objective standards rather than subjective decision making.
County Clerk
Notice of Exemption
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