Southline Specific Plan
5 Documents in Project
SCH Number
Lead Agency
City of South San Francisco
Document Title
Southline Specific Plan
Document Type
NOD - Notice of Determination
Document Description
Project Description:
The proposed project consists of buildout of the proposed Southline Specific Plan (Specific Plan). The EIR will provide a program-level analysis of the potential effects on the environment that could occur from implementation of the proposed project. The EIR will also provide a project-level analysis of the initial development phase of the Specific Plan (Phase 1), which is a component of the proposed project. The EIR will be used to provide CEQA clearance for adoption of the Specific Plan and entitlement of Phase 1. Following is a brief description of the proposed project, including Phase 1.
The proposed project includes a new office/research and development (R&D) campus with a maximum anticipated building area of up to 2.8 million square feet. The proposed project would demolish all existing on-site uses, and new development would include commercial office/R&D buildings, a four-story supportive amenities building (Building 2) totaling approximately 88,200 square feet, approximately 3,064 underground parking spaces at various locations throughout the Specific Plan area, a nine-story parking structure with approximately 2,705 spaces (Parking Structure C), a new east–west connection road (Southline Avenue; provisionally named for the purpose of the Specific Plan and California Environmental Quality Act [CEQA] review), supportive utilities and related infrastructure, and up to 341,800 square feet (7.8 acres), of open space. Commercial building heights would range from four to seven stories, subject to maximum building height limits in accordance with Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and Airport Land Use Compatibility Plan (ALUCP) requirements.
Development associated with the proposed project would be implemented under the proposed Specific Plan, which would establish new land use development standards and design guidelines for the project site. A phased development process is anticipated. Phase 1 would include construction of the new Southline Avenue east–west connection road and the following development, generally located south of the new road: two new office buildings (Buildings 1 and 7), with a total building area of up to approximately 612,715 square feet; the four-story, approximately 88,200-square foot amenities building (Building 2); landscaping and open space amenities; and approximately up to 2,664 parking spaces in a combination of below-grade parking and the eastern portion of the nine-story parking structure located north of the new Southline Avenue (Parking Structure C). Phase 1 would require approval of a detailed Precise Plan; future development phases would be approved as subsequent precise plans.
Reduced Underground Parking Alternative Description:
After the draft EIR was released for public review, the City identified a new alternative: the Reduced Underground Parking Alternative, based in part on comments raised during the public comment period. The City reviewed the new alternative and determined that it would be feasible to implement, would meet the basic objectives of the project, and would have the potential to reduce or avoid some of the significant impacts of the project. Accordingly, an analysis of the Reduced Underground Parking Alternative (Alternative D) has been added to the final EIR, and was determined to be the environmentally superior alternative.
Alternative D would expand the Specific Plan area to incorporate the property located at 80 Tanforan Avenue, thereby increasing the Specific Plan area by approximately 2.1 acres for a total area of approximately 28.6 acres. Under Alternative D, the existing industrial warehouse building at 80 Tanforan Avenue, would be demolished and a parking structure (Parking Structure D) with six levels of above-grade parking would be constructed. With the incorporation of Parking Structure D, the two levels of subterranean parking associated with buildout of Phase 1 under the proposed project would be eliminated. That is, under Alternative D, none of the subterranean development south of Southline Avenue that is proposed under the project would be constructed. In addition, Alternative D would eliminate development of the Parking Structure C located north of Southline Avenue during the Phase 1 project; development of Parking Structure C would still occur under the project buildout condition. Lastly Alternative D would result in slight revisions in the square footages and uses of the Phase 1 Buildings 1, 7, and 2 (amenities building). The amenities building would be reduced from four stories to three stories, while the total building area for Buildings 1 and 7 would increase by approximately 2,285 sf from approximately 612,715 sf to approximately 615,000 sf. The overall Phase 1 square footage would decrease by 16,205 sf from 700,915 sf to 684,710 sf due to the decrease in height of the amenities building.
Under Alternative D, Phase 1 would include the construction of a total of approximately 1,095 parking spaces, including 972 parking spaces in Parking Structure D, and 103 above-grade spaces in Building 2. Approximately 20 additional surface parking spaces would be located south of Southline Avenue. Access to Parking Structure D would be provided from Southline Avenue, the same as the proposed project, but would lead to the above-ground parking structure, rather than the below-grade parking proposed under the project.
The same Specific Plan and zoning designations would apply to this alternative. Alternative D would implement the same design features, transportation improvements, sustainability features, and open space and pedestrian connections within the Specific Plan area as the proposed project, with the exception that the open space proposed as part of the Tanforan Community Parklet would be expanded by approximately 11,545 square feet compared with the proposed project. Like the proposed project, Alternative D would require certain discretionary approvals for implementation, including: Specific Plan adoption, general plan amendments, zoning map and text amendments, TDM plan approval, design review, development agreement, Transportation Demand Management Plan, and precise plan(s) approval. Alternative D would also require standard City engineering, building, fire, and protected tree removal permits, along with other agency approvals (e.g., City of San Bruno, BART, Bay Area Regional Water Quality Control Board, BAAQMD, City/County Association of Governments Airport Land Use Commission, and Federal Aviation Administration).
Contact Information
Adena Friedman
Agency Name
City of South San Francisco, Economic and Community Development
Job Title
Principal Planner
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
Marcus Gilmour
Agency Name
Lane Partners
Job Title
Contact Types
Project Applicant
South San Francisco
San Mateo
San Francisco Bay Area
Cross Streets
South Maple Avenue and Tanforan Avenue
Total Acres
Parcel #
014-250-090, 014-250-080, 014-250-050, 014-241-030, 014-241-040, and 014-232-030
State Highways
US 101, I-280, I-380, SR-82
BART, Caltrain, UPRR
San Francisco International Airp
Ponderosa Elementary, St. Veronica's
San Francisco Bay, Colma Creek, San Bruno Canal
Notice of Determination
Approving Agency
South San Francisco City Council
Approving Agency Role
Lead Agency
Approved On
County Clerk
San Mateo
Final Environmental Document Available at
Planning Division, 315 Maple Avenue, South San Francisco, CA, 94080
(1) The project will have a significant impact on the environment
(2a) An Environmental Impact Report was prepared for this project pursuant to the provisions of CEQA
(2b) A Mitigated or a Negative Declaration was prepared for this project pursuant to the provisions of CEQA
(2c) An other document type was prepared for this project pursuant to the provisions of CEQA
(3) Mitigated measures were made a condition of the approval of the project
(4) A mitigation reporting or monitoring plan was adopted for this project
(5) A Statement of Overriding Considerations was adopted for this project
(6) Findings were made pursuant to the provisions of CEQA
Notice of Determination
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