American River Watershed Common Features 2016 – Sediment Data Collection


SCH Number
Public Agency
Central Valley Flood Protection Board
Document Title
American River Watershed Common Features 2016 – Sediment Data Collection
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers will collect suspended sediment samples and riverbed samples in the American River to inform design of future erosion protection projects and mitigation projects as part of the American River Watershed Common Features (ARCF) 2016 Project. A motor boat would be used to collect samples with a suspended sediment sampler that collects a continuous sample throughout the water column. Bed material samples would be collected at the same locations as the suspended sediment samples. Bed materials would be sampled using a boat mounted sampler that is lowered on a cable to the bottom of the river where a spring-loaded release is activated causing a bucket to collect the sample. The sampler would penetrate approximately 2 inches into the river bed and collect approximately 18 cubic inches of material for each sample.

Contact Information

Miles Claret
Agency Name
Central Valley Flood Protection Board
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency


American River
Other Location Info
Approximately 50 individual sampling locations in the American River within the American River Parkway. Sampling would occur within the American River at locations located near the Sacramento River confluence, Paradise Bend, Howe Avenue Bridge, Watt Avenue Bridge, and Arden Bar / William Pond area, within both the City of Sacramento and Sacramento County.

Notice of Exemption

Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Section 15306
Reasons for Exemption
The project consists of data collection and will not result in any impacts to the environment. Best Management Practices will be utilized to avoid impacts to the environment. The work would not impact state or federally listed species. The National Marine Fisheries Service (NFMS) has concurred that the work would not impact federally listed fish species with potential to occur in the American River. USACE has filed a Notice of Intent with the Central Valley Regional Water Quality Control Board.


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