Operation of Rancho California Water District (District) – Well 177 (Well 125 Replacement) Project (Project)
SCH Number
Public Agency
California Department of Water Resources
Document Title
Operation of Rancho California Water District (District) – Well 177 (Well 125 Replacement) Project (Project)
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The District proposed Project includes the replacement of Well 125, a 900-gpm, 1,010-foot deep well at an existing well location (Site 1), with well 177 a 1,000-gpm, 1,000-foot deep well on other property owned by the water system, (Site 2). The well and a 350-HP pump will be installed on a 64 foot2 18-inch high concrete well pedestal. The well will be connected to the rest of the system with 50-foot of 12-inch dimeter above ground piping and 400 feet of below ground piping. An 8-foot tall, 120-foot2 enclosure will be installed on the property to hold a 200-gallon brine tank and chlorination system with a 550-gallon sodium hypochlorite tank. A 3/4-inch diameter 50-foot long chemical feed line will connect the chlorination system to the well water. Two 5-inch diameter electrical conduit lines will be run for 300 feet within the right-of-way of Los Caballos Road. From there, the lines will run for 450 feet to a transformer. A 48 foot2 transformer pad and transformer will also be installed, as needed. A 6-inch, 1,000-foot discharge line will run from the well to a recharge pond adjacent to the well site. A 30 foot2 by 8-foot tall motor control center will also be installed. A 5,600 ft2 driveway will be installed. Fencing will also be installed around a 200 foot2 area. The construction will occur on an already graded pad existing on the property installed by a previous owner. The project will provide for the operation of the system.
Contact Information
J. Steven Williams
Agency Name
State Water Resources Control Board Riverside District Office
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
Other Location Info
Site 1 (Well 125): Near Del Portola Road and Belle Chaine Loop
Site 2 (Well 177): Near La Bonita Donna and Los Caballos Road
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Class 2, Section 15302; Class 3, Section 15303
Reasons for Exemption
Well 177 replacing Well 125 consist of Class 2, the replacement of existing utility systems and/or facilities involving negligible expansion of capacity within the same site, (<10%, existing water system property, 15302 (c)). The enclosure, that includes the tanks and chlorination system, along with the pump, transformer, and motor control center involves Class 3, the construction of a limited number of small new equipment and facilities (15303 (c)). The connection piping, discharge piping, and electrical lines consists of water mains and electrical lines to server such construction, (<16 in. diameter, 1 mile in length., 15303 (d)). The fencing consists of Class 3 accessory structures (15303 (e)).
Notice of Exemption
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