Achieving Zero Net Energy in Multi-family Buildings
SCH Number
Public Agency
California Energy Commission
Document Title
Achieving Zero Net Energy in Multi-family Buildings
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The Energy Commission made CEQA findings pertaining to this project, including finding that it was categorically exempt under 14 CCR section 15306 when the project was originally approved by the Commission at its June 2016 business meeting. The currently proposed change is a change to the recipient of the grant award. This change will not alter any aspect of the project. This research project demonstrates the technical and economic potential for optimized Zero Net Energy (ZNE) construction, practices in new multifamily buildings. The demonstration includes four multifamily buildings in Northern California, all fully entitled and in various stages of design and development offer timely opportunities to investigate ZNE issues. These projects have a goal of all electric ZNE construction with 100% renewable generation offset, and will utilize innovative new heat pump technologies to serve the building water heating and/ or HV AC systems.
See NOE for full details.
Contact Information
Adel Suleiman
Agency Name
California Energy Commission
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
Agency Name
Franklin Energy Services, LLC
Contact Types
Project Applicant
Atascadero, Calistoga, Cloverdale, Sunnyvale
Napa, San Luis Obispo, Santa Clara, Sonoma
Cross Streets
1715 Washington St; 100 Healdsburg Ave; 9355 Avenida Maria; 460 Persian Dr
Other Location Info
Zip Codes: 94515; 95425; 93422; 94089
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
§ 15306
Reasons for Exemption
The Energy Commission made CEQA findings pertaining to this project, including finding that it was categorically exempt under 14 CCR section 15306 when the project was originally approved by the Commission at its June 2016 business meeting. The currently proposed change is a change to the recipient of the grant award. This change will not alter any aspect of the project. The same project team will do the same project work that was previously approved by the Commission. This change will therefore not result in any environmental impacts beyond those already considered and approved by the Commission in June 2016 and do not change the applicability of the categorical exemption under 14 CCR 15306. The original CEQA findings adopted by the Commission in June 2016 were as follows: Cal. Code Regs, tit.14, sec.15306 provides that projects which consist of basic data collection, research and resources evaluation activities which do not result in a serious or major disturbance to environmental resources are categorically exempt from the provisions of CEQA. Specifically, this project involves energy performance measurement of four existing apartment buildings using small equipment. Each piece of equipment is no larger than 1'x 1'x 1' and will be installed inside of the buildings. The equipment does not produce emissions or noise. Therefore, this project falls within section 15306 and will not have a significant effect on the environment.
Notice of Exemption
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