Gurnsey Ave. Mutual Water Company Consolidation Planning Project
SCH Number
Public Agency
City of Red Bluff
Document Title
Gurnsey Ave. Mutual Water Company Consolidation Planning Project
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The Project is the extension of the City's existing water supply system to provide water to twenty-five individuals through thirteen new service connections. Service will be provided via an existing twelve-inch waterline in Belle Mill Rd. and an existing eight-inch waterline in Gurnsey Ave. The affected properties were previously provided potable water via an existing well, which has been out-of-service since 2015. The existing well that previously provided service was taken out-of-service as the water being produced did not meet State water quality standards (potable water). In addition of the new water lines, meters and fire hydrant, the subject well will be abandoned. New project construction will involve the installation of a new six-inch waterline from Gurnsey Ave. to the approximate location of the abandoned well to be located within the profile of the existing aggregate base property access road. Water will be supplied to each property via thirteen new domestic service connections/meters. In addition, a new fire hydrant will be constructed where the abandoned well is to be removed to enhance fire/life safety in the neighborhood.
Contact Information
Robin Kampmann
Agency Name
City of Red Bluff
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
Agency Name
City of Red Bluff
Contact Types
Project Applicant
Red Bluff
Other Location Info
The project is located in the City of Red Bluff, Tehama County, CA. The project is located south of Belle Mill Rd., east of Gurnsey Ave., and north of State Highway 36. The approximate center of the Project area is located at Latitude 40°11'07.99"N, Longitude 122°12'56.47"W.
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
15303, 15061
Reasons for Exemption
The City of Red Bluff City Council has determined that this Project is exempt from CEQA. The Project consists of construction and location of limited numbers of new; small facilities, which in this instance specifically includes a water main, service connections, and fire hydrant. This activity is categorically exempt under Section 15303(d). Under Section 15303(d), street improvements of reasonable length to serve such construction are permissible. In addition, the Project is exempt under Section 15061 (b)(3), the "Common Sense" Exemption, as it can be seen with certainty there is no possibility the Project will have a significant impact on the environment as there will be no removal of mature trees, no ground-disturbing activity in a previously undisturbed area, and, no operational or long-term cumulative or project-specific impacts. The Project will provide an enhancement to the safety and wellness of residents due to the ability to receive safe, clean potable water and fire/life safety will be enhanced by the installation of the new fire hydrant and the presence of a pressurized water system for fire suppression.
Notice of Exemption
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