2017 Storm Damage - USAGE Public Law 84-99 Levee Rehabilitation


SCH Number
Public Agency
Central Valley Flood Protection Board
Document Title
2017 Storm Damage - USAGE Public Law 84-99 Levee Rehabilitation
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The 2017 atmospheric river storms caused flooding which results in multiple levee performance problem sites, with erosion or stability issues. Levee failure could result in loss of life, property damage, environmental impacts, and threats to water supply reliability.

Contact Information

Andrea Buckley
Agency Name
Central Valley Flood Protection Board Project
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency

Agency Name
United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE)
Contact Types
Project Applicant


San Joaquin, Sutter, Yolo
Other Location Info
The project consists of 8 flood damaged sites along various water ways in the Sacramento River and San Joaquin River basins.

Notice of Exemption

Exempt Status
Declared Emergency
Type, Section or Code
Sec. 21080(b)(3); 15269(a)
Reasons for Exemption
States of emergency were proclaimed to exist within 50 California counties by the Governor on March 7, 2017, due to atmospheric river storms that swept across California beginning in January 2017. This project will repair flood damaged levees in disaster-stricken areas caused the 2017 atmospheric river storms in which a state of emergency had been proclaimed.


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