Horn Center and University Art Museum Renovation Project
SCH Number
Public Agency
California State University, Long Beach
Document Title
Horn Center and University Art Museum Renovation Project
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The project includes renovation of the Horn Center to create additional classroom space and lecture halls. The computer lab, undergraduate advising center and learning assistance center would be converted to 10 classrooms and 2 lecture halls, and an additional all-gender restroom will be provided. The adjoining Art Museum would be expanded by approximately 4,300 square feet as part of the project. The Art Museum’s new floor plan and expansion would include additional gallery space and storage rooms for archiving collections. The existing floor plan of the museum would be reconfigured to ensure best use of the new space and to meet the objectives of the Art Museum. Additionally, the north courtyard would be converted to a formal sculpture garden, and the existing south courtyard would include renovations to the hardscaping/landscaping along with additional seating. To support the renovations, the north fire lane access to the Horn Center would be widened to meet code compliance, and a new hammerhead for fire access to the south-east of the building would be provided. Construction of the project would require the removal of several trees to allow space for the Art Museum expansion, widening of the north fire lane, installation of the south hammerhead, and renovation of the south courtyard. Storm drains would be relocated as a result of the exterior landscape changes and low impact development (LID) planters would be installed along with filtered catch basins. An area of approximately one acre is anticipated to be subject to ground disturbance associated with site grading and excavations. Excavation is anticipated to reach a maximum depth of approximately 4 feet below ground surface at isolated footings and 2 feet below ground surface for perimeter footings. Construction staging and laydown areas would be located within the project site: to the west of the existing Art Museum, and within the existing north and south courtyards. Construction of the project is anticipated to occur between Summer 2020 and Fall 2021, with a total construction period of up to 15 months. The renovations aim to provide the Horn Center with a minimum LEED Silver accreditation; however, a LEED Gold accreditation is currently being sought. The objectives of the project are to renovate and optimize the existing space at the Horn Center to meet the current and future demands of students, staff, and visitors; renovate and expand the existing Art Museum to support the Art Museum’s commitment to collecting and sharing exceptional contemporary art; and maintain code compliance and improved fire safety requirements on campus.
Contact Information
Martin Grant
Agency Name
California State University, Long Beach
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
Agency Name
California State University, Long Beach
Contact Types
Project Applicant
Long Beach
Los Angeles
Other Location Info
California State University, Long Beach (CSULB): 1250 N. Bellflower Boulevard, Long Beach, California 90815
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Reasons for Exemption
The project is categorically exempt under Class 1 Existing Facilities, having met the qualifying criteria provided under CEQA Guidelines Section 15301(a)(e). The interior renovations to the existing Horn Center would include converting the existing computer lab, undergraduate advising and learning assistance centers to 10 classrooms, 2 lecture halls, and an additional all-gender restroom. External alterations include renovations to the south courtyard to include hardscape/landscape and additional seating, renovations to the north courtyard to provide a sculpture garden, access road improvements including the widening of the north fire lane and installation of a south turning hammerhead, and relocation of storm drains and installation of LID planters and filtered catch basins. All improvements would be consistent with the current use of the existing structure, and would constitute minor alterations that would qualify under Class 1 criterion (a).
See NOE for Full Details.