Scott River Stream Restoration and Sediment Reduction Program, river-kilometer 60
SCH Number
Public Agency
Siskiyou Resource Conservation District
Document Title
Scott River Stream Restoration and Sediment Reduction Program, river-kilometer 60
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The objective of the Scott River Stream Restoration and Sediment Reduction Program is to address mass erosion sites that are currently affecting riparian function, water quality, aquatic habitat and adjacent agricultural land. Treatment of the Scott River at river-kilometer 60 using a bioengineered approach involves installing a series of logjam deflector structures, reshaping the floodplain and planting native riparian species. Construction is proposed for the late-summer/early-fall of 2020, with additional revegetation work within elevated floodplain plots occurring during planting stock dormancy through 2022. The purpose of these activities is to reduce fine-grained sediment inputs to the Scott River, create stream channel complexity, provide slow-water refuge for salmon, restore riparian habitat for migratory birds and improve stream shading from adjacent vegetation.
Contact Information
Lindsay Magranet
Agency Name
Siskiyou Resource Conservation District
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
Agency Name
Siskiyou Resource Conservation District
Contact Types
Project Applicant
Fort Jones
Other Location Info
T43N, R9W Sec. 26 SE¼: 41.543929 North, 122.839907 West (NAD 1983)
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Reasons for Exemption
The treatment at river-kilometer 60 involves approximately 2.34 acres of the Scott River floodplain and has been specifically designed to minimize construction disturbance while meeting environmental objectives. There will be no significant impacts on endangered, rare, or threatened species or their habitat; there are no hazardous materials at the site that would be removed or disturbed; and the project will not result in impacts that are significant when viewed in connection with the effects of past projects, the effects of other current projects, and the effects of probable future projects. The project has undergone consultation with the National Marine Fisheries Service, which determined that the proposed activities are likely to adversely affect critical habitat for coho salmon but the magnitude of these effects will be small in terms of both spatial and temporal extent and are therefore not likely to reduce the value of the critical habitat for conservation and recovery purposes. Furthermore, the State Water Resources Control Board has certified coverage of the project under the General Water Quality Certification Order for Small Habitat Restoration Projects SB12006GN, which confirms their determination that the proposed activities are exempt from CEQA under 14 CCR§ 15333. Similarly, the California Department of Fish and Wildlife has determined that the project is exempt from CEQA under 14 CCR§ 15333 and approved a Streambed Alteration Agreement (1600- 2019-0621-Rl).
Notice of Exemption
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