CD 13 1215 Lodi Place Bridge Housing Facility


SCH Number
Public Agency
City of Los Angeles
Document Title
CD 13 1215 Lodi Place Bridge Housing Facility
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The project site is the historic Hollywood Studio Club property owned by the Young Women's Christian Association (YWCA). The project consists of a new lease agreement between the City of Los Angeles (the City) and the YWCA, minor alterations to accommodate approximately 60 additional beds (in addition to 64 existing beds) and to make the first floor Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) compliant, and operation of a temporary homeless shelter, with approximately 124 beds total, that will provide emergency shelter, hygiene, storage, food services and case management to individuals experiencing homelessness. The nature of this project is to serve the local homeless community within the vicinity of the project. The purpose of the project is to provide emergency shelter for the homeless to help bridge their transition from living on the streets to finding services and, ultimately, living in transitional and/or permanent housing. The project site is located in the Hollywood Community Plan Area in the City of Los Angeles, Council District 13 (CD 13), 1215 N. Lodi Place, Assessor Parcel Number (APN) 5534-003-017, see Figure 1 - Project Site Location and Figure 2 -Assessor Parcel Map. See NOE for Full Details.

Contact Information

Maria Martin
Agency Name
City of Los Angeles
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency

Agency Name
City of Los Angeles
Contact Types
Project Applicant


Los Angeles
Los Angeles
Cross Streets
1215 N. Lodi Place

Notice of Exemption

Exempt Status
Statutory Exemption
Type, Section or Code
21080.27, 21080(b)(4)
Reasons for Exemption
This project is statutorily exempt under PRC Sections 21080.27 & 21080(b)(4).


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