Connelley Beach Public Access Project (Project)
SCH Number
Public Agency
California Tahoe Conservancy
Document Title
Connelley Beach Public Access Project (Project)
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The Project will create a new public access point to Connelley Beach. Project improvements include pathways, stairs, and slope stabilization features, constructed on AN 027-010-029. Project implementation includes the acquisition of easements ( or similar authorization) allowing access on AN 027-090-025.
Contact Information
Scott Cecchi
Agency Name
California Tahoe Conservancy
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
Agency Name
California Tahoe Conservancy
Contact Types
Project Applicant
South Lake Tahoe
El Dorado
Other Location Info
The Project is located on El Dorado County Assessment Number (AN) 027-010-029 (Conservancy-owned "Chimney Parcel") and AN 027-090-025 (privately-owned "Beach Retreat Parcel"). These parcels front Connelley Beach in the City near the intersection of Takela Drive and U.S. Highway 50 (Exhibit A).
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Classes 3 & 4, §§ 15303 and 15304. (See also Cal. Code Regs., tit. 14, §§ 12102.3 and 12102.4.)
Reasons for Exemption
The project involves the construction of a limited number of small, new facilities, such as a trail, seating areas, stairs, and boulders. These features will blend into the natural environment as they will be near the existing grade of the site and will be of color and appearance that matches the existing setting. The· staircase will be a prefabricated metal structure that minimizes constructed-related disturbance of the slope. The trail will be on the flat portion of the property and will only require slight grading activities for proper construction...See attached NOE
Notice of Exemption
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