2019 Water Exchange between Santa Clarita Valley Water Agency and RosedaleRio Bravo Water Storage District


SCH Number
Public Agency
Santa Clara Valley Water District
Document Title
2019 Water Exchange between Santa Clarita Valley Water Agency and RosedaleRio Bravo Water Storage District
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The project involves a 2: 1 water exchange between SCVWA and Rosedale. The project would allow SCVWA a one-time transfer of up to 25,000 AF of its 2019 SWP Table A water in exchange for up to 12,500 AF of water from Rosedale. Rosedale will take delivery of exchange water between October 1, 2019 and December 31 , 2019 of Table A water through Reach 12E of the California Aqueduct at the CVC turnout for the Cross Valley Canal (CVC). The project will use existing Rosedale banking facilities including infiltration ponds, extraction wells and transmission pipelines/canals. The agreement has a term of ten years and return water shall be delivered by December 31, 2029. Return water will be delivered using Drought Relief Wells constructed to return water under the Rosedale SCVWA Banking Agreement (2005), or through Rosedale's share of KCWA's future SWP Table A entitlement in the California Aqueduct.

Contact Information

Dirk Marks
Agency Name
Santa Clarita Valley Water Agency
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency


Kern, Los Angeles, Ventura
Other Location Info
Santa Clarita Valley Water Agency ("SCVWA") is located in Los Angeles and Ventura Counties. Rosedale-Rio Bravo Water storage District ("Rosedale") is a member unit of the Kern County Water Agency ("KCWA") located on the Westside of Kern County

Notice of Exemption

Exempt Status
Statutory Exemption
Type, Section or Code
15061(b)(3); 15301, Class 1
Reasons for Exemption
The project involves a 2: 1 water exchange between SCVWA and Rosedale. The project would allow SCVWA a one-time transfer of up to 25,000 AF of its 2019 SWP Table A water in exchange for up to 12,500 AF of water from Rosedale. Rosedale will take delivery of exchange water between October 1, 2019 and December 31 , 2019 of Table A water through Reach 12E of the California Aqueduct at the CVC turnout for the Cross Valley Canal (CVC). The project will use existing Rosedale banking facilities including infiltration ponds, extraction wells and transmission pipelines/canals. The agreement has a term of ten years and return water shall be delivered by December 31, 2029. Return water will be delivered using Drought Relief Wells constructed to return water under the Rosedale SCVWA Banking Agreement (2005), or through Rosedale's share of KCWA's future SWP Table A entitlement in the California Aqueduct.


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