California Aqueduct Reach 7 Vegetation Removal and Re-establishment of Toe Roads
SCH Number
Public Agency
California Department of Water Resources
Document Title
California Aqueduct Reach 7 Vegetation Removal and Re-establishment of Toe Roads
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
DWR's San Luis Field Division (SLFD) will employ the California Conservation Corps (CCC) to remove woody brush and vegetation growing in the DWR right-of-way (ROW) at the locations listed above. The CCC will use chains saws and other hand tools. Cut vegetation will be stacked so it can be burned later. The location of the burn sites will be determined by Environmental Scientist (ES) issuing this clearance and SLFD staff.
Contact Information
Brandon Silva
Agency Name
Dept. of Water Resouces
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
Agency Name
California Department of Water Resources (DWR)
Contact Types
Project Applicant
Other Location Info
The work sites are located on the right side (R) of the California Aqueduct (Aqueduct) from milepost (MP) 158.S0R to MP 161.57R and on the left side (L) of the Aqueduct at MP 158.S0L to MP 159.S0L; MP 161.65L to MP 162.0SL; MP 162.0BL to MP 162.60L; MP 162.64L to MP 163.65L; MP 163.70L to MP 164.40L; and MP 168.0SL to MP 168.S0L. The sites are approximately 3 miles southeast of the City of Huron.
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
15301 (Existing Facilities)
Reasons for Exemption
Work involves vegetation removal, mowing, and the reestablishment of existing toe roads in the DWR ROW. The work will not expand the roads beyond the original design, nor will it increase the frequency of use. Categorical exemption 15301 (Existing Facilities) applies.
Notice of Exemption
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