· Independence Lake Forest Health & Resiliency (SNC #1069)
SCH Number
Public Agency
Sierra Nevada Conservancy
Document Title
· Independence Lake Forest Health & Resiliency (SNC #1069)
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The Sierra Nevada Conservancy would provide funding in the amount of $99,688 to The Nature Conservancy to continue planning for a forest restoration and fire resiliency project at its Independence Lake Preserve in Sierra County and Nevada County. The proposed project will Involve completing the necessary planning for mechanical thinning and prescribed burning of approximately 1,659 acres of mixed conifer forest on the Preserve. The planning work would include preparation of a Timber Harvest Plan, Prescribed Fire Burn Plan, GIS mapping, and other supporting needs.
Contact Information
Shannon Ciotti
Agency Name
Sierra Nevada Conservancy
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
Agency Name
The Nature Conservancy
Contact Types
Project Applicant
Other Location Info
The project location is The Nature Conservancy's Independence Lake Preserve (Preserve) in Sierra and Nevada Counties. The Preserve covers 2,300 acres and is surrounded by the Tahoe National Forest. The Preserve is approximately 17 miles north of Truckee and 12 miles south of Sierraville.
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Statutory Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Section 15262
Reasons for Exemption
See NOE for full details.
This is a planning project involving the preparation of environmental compliance documents; it does not involve physical alterations to the environment. Specific actions include preparation of a Timber Harvest Plan, Prescribed Fire Burn Plan, GIS mapping, and other supporting needs associated with planning for a forest restoration and fire resiliency project. Forest management actions have not been approved, and the completion of these environmental documents will not have a legally binding effect on future activities.
Notice of Exemption
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