Virginia Creek Rumble Strips
SCH Number
Public Agency
California Department of Transportation, District 9
Document Title
Virginia Creek Rumble Strips
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The project will install sinusoidal rumble strips along the edges and centerline to provide auditory warning go errant drivers. The pavement will then be fog sealed and road marking restriped. All will occur within the operational travel lanes.
Contact Information
Bradley Bowers
Agency Name
California Department of Transportation, District 9
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
Other Location Info
City: South of Bridgeport
Location Specific:
US 395 in Mono County from post mile 68.5-74.2 (south of intersection with Bodie Road to south of Mt. Patterson Drive)
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Sec. 15301 (c)
Reasons for Exemption
This project is a minor alteration to an existing highway with no expansion of its existing use. There are no known or anticipated significant impacts to any environmental resource. Sinusoidal rumble strips will be used, which are quieter than traditional rumble strips, and gaps will be placed in front of businesses and residences to avoid excess noise for nearby communities.
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