Water Transfer/Exchange Agreement with Kern-Tulare Water District
SCH Number
Public Agency
Semitropic Water Storage District
Document Title
Water Transfer/Exchange Agreement with Kern-Tulare Water District
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The purpose of the project is for Kern-Tulare Water District and Semitropic Water Storage District to enter into an agreement for transfer of up to 15,000 acre-feet of 2018-2019 Central Valley Project South of Delta water to the District at its Calfironia Aqueduct turnouts or to the Kern Water Bank on behalf of the District. The District, lead agency for the project, would take delivery of the water when available, currently estimated to be no later than February 28, 2019. The District would store the water in its existing Semitropic groundwater bank, and return half the water to KTWD at a mutually agreeable time and location in Kern County by exchange or other means. The project would use existing water facilities and not involve any construction.
Contact Information
Jason Gianquinto
Agency Name
Semitropic Water Storage District
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
Kern, Tulare
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
15301, 1729, 15061b3
Reasons for Exemption
The District believes the project including activities to implement same are covered by existing environmental documents including those certified for the Poso Creek Integrated Regional Water Management Plan, which allows for banking and exchange programs between the Parties under the 25-Year Goundwater Banking, Transfer, and Exchange Program. Furthermore, the district has determined that the project does not constitute a project under the CEQA, and that to the extent such activities could possibly consitute a project, the project is exempt under CEQA. This determination is based upon the general rule that CEQA applies only to projects that have a potential for causing significant effect on the environment b/c, (i) the project will use existing facilities and would not require any construction or grading, (ii) the project does not create, require or constitute a new permanent source of water supply, and will not result in any growth inducing or cumulative environmental impacts, (iii) there will be no land use changes as a result of the project, and (iv) no new lands will be brought into production as a consequence of transfer water deliveries. Additionally, the district has determined that the delivery, storage and return of transfer water will utilize the operation of existing facilities, and there will be no expansion of use beyond that existing as of the date of this Agreement. Therefore, the class 1 existing facilities exemption (15301), and the common sense exemption apply (15061b3). Moreover, water transfers occurring for a period of one year or less are statutorily exempt from CEQA (water code section 1729).
Notice of Exemption
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