Log Springs Fuel Break Improvement Project
SCH Number
Public Agency
Resource Conservation District of Tehama County
Document Title
Log Springs Fuel Break Improvement Project
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The Log Springs Fuel Break Improvement Project will be implemented in order to improve an existing roadside shaded fuel break located on Crane Mills lands on sites where mechanical treatment of vegetation is not possible. The proposed project entails the completion of manual fuel treatments (cutting and chipping or cutting, piling and burning) of roadside vegetation including brush and small trees along 2 miles of Tehama County Road M-9 located adjacent to the Crane Mills Log Springs Fuel Break. Vegetation treatments would be completed to a max 150' both sides of the road edge or up to 300' on one side of the road edge. Small trees 10 inches in diameter and less (oaks 6" in diameter and less) will be treated. Trees greater than 10 inches in diameter will have limbs removed to 10 ft above ground level to prevent ground fire from spreading into tree crowns. The exact location of hand treatment areas have not been established but will be confined to the project area shown of the attached project area map. The proposed treatments will improve access and egress for local land owners and firefighting personnel. They will also improve the road as a significant fuel break during wildfire events.
Contact Information
Thom McCubbins
Agency Name
Resource Conservation District of Tehama County
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
Other Location Info
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
15304, Minor alteratins to land
Reasons for Exemption
The Log Springs Fuel Break Improvement Project entails the cutting and chipping or piling and burning of small trees and other roadside vegetation. Material to be chipped will be broadcast back onto the road edge in order to create a protective mulch. All pile burning will be conducted within the road ROW where disturbance related to road construction has already occurred. The project is located in an area unlikely to be currently occupied by listed species and the habitat will not be altered in a manner that would impact future listed species. None of the work to be completed will impact cultural resources.
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