PG&E R-1024 L-300A, L-300B, L-100 Thompson Creek Gas Line Temporary Stabilization Project
SCH Number
Public Agency
San Francisco Bay Regional Water Quality Control Board
Document Title
PG&E R-1024 L-300A, L-300B, L-100 Thompson Creek Gas Line Temporary Stabilization Project
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
PG&E will protect gas transmission pipelines L-100A, L-300B, and L-100. Ongoing incision of Thompson Creek is impacting these gas pipelines. 34-inch diameter L-100A and 34-inch diameter L-300B are completely exposed at the creek crossing and 20-inch diameter L-100 has shallow remaining cover. 1,478 cubic yards of rock armoring and gravel will be placed in the creek channel to armor the pipelines. Within 2 years, the Project will be followed by a second project to lower the pipelines at the crossing point below anticipated ultimate scour levels. Rock and gravel installed for this Project will then be removed from the channel.
Contact Information
Brian Wines
Agency Name
San Francisco Bay Regional Water Quality Control Board
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
San Jose
Santa Clara
Thompson Creek
Other Information
About 0.5 miles south of Quimby Road, just east of the intersection of East Capitol Expressway.
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Class 1-Exst. Facilities*
Reasons for Exemption
* Section 15301
The project is consistent with a Class 1 categorical exemption under Section 15301(b) of the CEQA guidelines for the operation, repair, maintenance, permitting, leasing, licensing, or minor alteration of existing facilities of both investor and publically-owned utilities used to provide electric power, natural gas, sewerage, or other public utility services.
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