Mendes Property and Poppy Keys Southwest Rezone - EG-17-033 (Second Reading)


SCH Number
Public Agency
City of Elk Grove
Document Title
Mendes Property and Poppy Keys Southwest Rezone - EG-17-033 (Second Reading)
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The proposed Mendes Property and Poppy Keys Southwest Rezone project would reconfigure the land uses within the Southeast Policy Area in two locations as follows: 1. The Mendes Property Rezone would result in a reduction in parks and office acreage, an increase in low density residential land, the addition of medium density residential land, and an adjustment in the location of a future elementary school site. It would also update the area of the future shed c drainage improvements (including associated trails and the S6 Detention basin) to reflect the most current design plan. 2. The Poppy Keys Southwest rezone would remove an elementary school site (previously relocated north of Poppy Ridge Rd as part of the Reardan Park site rezone project, EG-17-018, approved August 2017) and replace the site with medium density residential consistent with adjoining planned uses, and add a 1.9 acre local park site. The project also includes the addition of a new Street Form for Poppy Ridge Rd, providing a revised design that incorporates on-street parking at specific locations and increases the sidewalk width. These changes would be accomplished through amendments to both the Southeast Policy area special planning area.

Contact Information

Christopher Jordan
Agency Name
City of Elk Grove
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency


Elk Grove
Other Location Info
132-0300-017, -021, -022, -0290014, 015, 016 Southwest corner of Bilby Rd and McMillian Rd and south side of Poppy Ridge Rd east of Big Horn Blvd

Notice of Exemption

Exempt Status
Type, Section or Code
special situation 15183
Reasons for Exemption
The project is exempt under section 15162 and 15183. Section 15162 requires that when an EIR has been certified for an adopted project, no subsequent EIR shall be prepared for that project unless the lead agency determines, on the basis of substantial evidence in light of the whole record, that one or more of the following exists: 1. Substantial changes are proposed in the project which will require major revisions of the previous EIR due to the involvment of new significant environmental effects or a substantial increase in the severity of previously identified significant effects; 2. Substantial changes occur with respect to the circumstances under which the project is undertaken which will require major revisions of the previous EIR due to the involvement of new significant environmental effects or a substantial increase in the severity of previously identified significant effects; or 3. New info of substantial importance, which was not known and could not have been known with exercise of reasonable diligence at the time of the previous EIR.

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