Pure water soquel: groundwater replenishment and seawater intrusion prevention - Grant Agreement D1712515
SCH Number
Public Agency
Soquel Creek Water District
Document Title
Pure water soquel: groundwater replenishment and seawater intrusion prevention - Grant Agreement D1712515
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
1. Project management: includes providing technical and administrative services as need for project completion.
2. General compliance requirement/project effectiveness and performance: includes submitting global positioning system info for project sites, preparing a monitoring and reporting pla, preparing and maintaining a quality assurance project plan, and preparing and uploading ground water analytical data to the SWRCB/GAMA system.
3. Technical advisory committee: includes establishing a TAC and holding TAC meetings.
4. Stakeholder advisory group: establishing a SAG and conducting meetings, if needed.
5. Planning and investigation workplan: submitting a worklist of the planning and investigations that have already been completed and identifying tasks necessary to address significant data gaps in the project area.
6. Planning, investigation, fieldwork, and reporting: submitting proof of completed investigations and submitting reports to the TAC and grant manager.
7. Design and engineering: preparing and submitting design plans and specifications and completing bid documents.
Contact Information
Melanie Mow Schumacher
Agency Name
Soquel Creek Water District
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
Santa Cruz
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
15306, 15262
Reasons for Exemption
These efforts are for planning and feasibility and or basic data collection and research with no disturbance to an environmental resource.
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