Sawmill Cutoff Drainage Project
SCH Number
Public Agency
Mono County
Document Title
Sawmill Cutoff Drainage Project
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The proposed project will connect two existing drainage facilities at a point in between the two facilities. The outlet of the Sierra Park strom drain is located at the northeast corner of SR 203 and Sawmill Cutoff Road. This drainage then continues to the northeast and ultimately connects to Murphy Gulch. The Main Street Storm Drain runs parallel to SR 203 and is located approximately 25 feet from the edge of pavement. The facilities are not currently connected. Both drainage is currently terminate in the same place at Murphy Gulch. The project is necessary as the Sierra Park drainage is currently an open channel and during rain on snow events, it has flooded adjacent structures. By connecting the two structures where the Sierra Park storm drain outlets, the chance for flooding will be greatly reduced. The proposed connection point is in an area that was previously disturbed in order to install the existing Main Street Storm Drain.
Contact Information
Sierra Schultz
Agency Name
Mono County
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
Mammoth Lakes
Cross Streets
Southeast corner of SR 203 and Sawmill Cutoff Rd
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
S: 15301(c)
Reasons for Exemption
The proposed project involves the connection of two existing drainage facilities at a point in between the two facilities. The project limits have all been previously disturbed and excavated. This alteration of existing facilities is categorically exempt as the project meets the criteria set forth under section 15301(c). There will be negligible expansion of existing use.
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