Pettit Regulated Pressure Zone
SCH Number
Public Agency
Eastern Municipal Water District
Document Title
Pettit Regulated Pressure Zone
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
Eastern Municipal Water District (District) is proposing to implement the Pettit Regulated Pressure Zone Project (Project) located in Moreno Valley, Riverside County, California. The proposed Project will be constructed in variour locations within the public rights-of-way, and is generally confined within the following boundaries: north of Cactus Avenue and South of Cottonwood Avenue, between Heacock Avenue and Lasselle Street.
The project will improve level of service by establishing a higher pressure zone for the targeted area.
The proposed project consists of installing approximately 1,500 linear feet of 12-inch diameter water pipeline, four (4) aboveground pressure reducing stations, and various water main line connections and abandonments.
Contact Information
Scarlett Draper
Agency Name
Eastern Municipal Water District
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
Moreno Valley
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Statutory Exemption
Type, Section or Code
15282 (k)
Reasons for Exemption
Implementation of the proposed project would result in construction of less than one mile of pipeline.
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