5GS15144; Logtown East Side Fuel Break (LT10) Montior Section
SCH Number
Public Agency
California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection
Document Title
5GS15144; Logtown East Side Fuel Break (LT10) Montior Section
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The Logtown East Side Fuel Break will be constructed as a linear feature 200 to 300 feet wide approx. 1.3 miles long parallel to and between Dolomite Dr. and Union Mind Rd. Logtown 10 shaded Fuel Break will be constructed using a combination of treatments. The objective of the treatment is to reduce surfae and ladder fuels, and to achieve canopy spacing to mitigate the threat of wildfire to private property. This project entails removing small trees and brush to create a Fuel Reduction Zone or shaded Fuel Break located on both improved and unimproved residential parcels. Permission has been granted from all the private landowners at this point. The general project area has been marked with pink flagging on the ground in some cases the flagging is only done along the top of the fuel break with the intent that the contractor will treat up to 300 feet below the flag line. Work will be odne outside the required defensible space of 100 feet around homes. Hardwood stands with a high percentage of oaks can provide excellent food and cover for wildlife. Retain live trees with cavities for squirrels, raccoons, and other cavity dwellers. Contractor may leave downed Oak limbs and decaying logs, when vegetation is lying in a position not to threaten ignition of adjacent trees or shrubs.
Snags prove excellent wildlife habitat in their natural state. Leave dead standing trees (snags) to provide insects and nesting cavities for birds. Snags should not be taller than 30 feet in height, not capable of reaching a home or road. Treat adjacent trees so canopy cover is spaced at least 10 feet away. Snags that have fallen become decayed; consider when to leave for diversity.
Contact Information
Patrick McDaniel
Agency Name
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
El Dorado
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
S:15304, Class 4
Reasons for Exemption
Pertaining to fuels reduction.
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