Millburn Pond Soil Investigation


SCH Number
Public Agency
California Department of Water Resources (DWR)
Document Title
Millburn Pond Soil Investigation
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The Department of Water Resources (DWR) South Central Region Office will conduct soil investigations for potential work in the Milburn Pond rea. Two geologic investigation methods will be used, sonic drilling and excavation of test pits. Sonic drilling will be conducted in approximately four locations on the existing Milburn Pond berm and in four locations in a potential borrow area approximately 4,000 feet west of the berm. The drill will be about 8 inches in diameter. Drilling depths on the berm will be up to 30 ft from the top of the existing ground surface; drilling depths at the other location will be up to 20 ft from the existing ground surface. After each hole is drilled, and before the rig moves to the next drilling location, the hole will be backfilled with material from the drill cuttings. The remaining drill cuttings will be either spread on site or will be disposed of in an appropriate offsite location. No drilling holes will be left open overnight. Test pits will be excavated in approx. 12 locations in the potential borrow site area. Each pit will be up to 15 ft dep, 20 ft long, and 5 ft wide. All test pits will be backfilled and compacted with a backhoe bucket and will be wheel-packed to match the existing grade. The pits will be backfilled after samples are collected and before excavating the next pit. At the end of the work, areas used for temporary storage of materials will be returned to the original grade and contoured to match the surrounding area. At all sites, soil samples will be collected every 5 ft from the ground surface. In the event of unexpected drilling issues or environmental concerns, exact drilling and test pit locations may be adjusted by the DWR geologists, Engineer, or Environmental Scientist during the work. It may be necessary to add more drilling locations depending on the visual observation of the completed drill holes; additional locations will be determined by the Engineer and Environmental Scientist.

Contact Information

Kandasamy Naventhan
Agency Name
California Department of Water Resources
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency


State Highways
SR 99, SR 41
San Joaquin River
Other Information
RM 247 and RM 249

Notice of Exemption

Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
S: 15306
Reasons for Exemption
The proposed soil investigation will evaluate resources and provide data in the Millburn Pond area to support potenital, future projects. The investigation is strictly for information gathering purposes and is not part of an action which has been approved, adopted, or funded by any public agency. The drilling and test pit sites wil not result in a serious or major disturbane to any environmental resources. According to the California Department of Toxic Substances Control's Hazardous waste and Substances Site List, no known toxic or hazardous substances occur in the Millburn Pond area. No cultural or tribal resources were identified in the investigation area.

Disclaimer: The document was originally posted before CEQAnet had the capability to host attachments for the public. To obtain the original attachments for this document, please contact the lead agency at the contact information listed above.

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