Oakhurst Midtown Connector Geotechnical Study
SCH Number
Public Agency
Madera County
Document Title
Oakhurst Midtown Connector Geotechnical Study
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
Eleven exploratory bore holes will be drilled to determine soil types for the bridge to be located over Nelder Creek as part of the proposed Oakhurst Connector project. Sites will be accessed by Teddy Bear Lane from the west, and from Road 418 (Indian Springs Road), and will require access to Nelder Creek.
Contact Information
Jamie Bax
Agency Name
Madera County
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
Cross Streets
Road 418
State Highways
state route 41
Nelder Creek
Other Location Info
Unincorporated Oakhurst
Other Information
Geotechnical studies will occur adjacent to Nelder Creek, as the Connector will require a bridge.
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
S: 15306- Info gathering
Reasons for Exemption
The action includes access to and exploratory drilling of rocks/soils to determine the capability of soils to support a proposed bridge. Standard BMPs will be implemented to avoid sediment in the creek, and no trees will be removed. The surface of the bore holes will be restored. Activities will not result in "serious or major disturbance" to resources.
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