Accessibility Upgrades at Visitor Center & Camp Lisa
SCH Number
Public Agency
California Department of Parks and Recreation
Document Title
Accessibility Upgrades at Visitor Center & Camp Lisa
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
Complete improvements to the visitor center and to the shower buildings at Camp Jamieson at Plumas-Eureka State Park to improve access for all park visitors. This NOE supersedes one filed with the State Clearinghouse on July 21, 2016. The work proposed will be as follows:
At the Visitor Center Exterior:
-In the parking lot and for paths of travel: Saw-cut, remove and dispose of 1,200 sq. ft. of existing asphalt and aggregate base to 6" depth. Install 1,296 sq. ft. of 3" depth aggregate base covered by 3" depth asphalt. Stripe for parking stalls, add concrete parking blocks and install new ADA signage;
-Remove and install new water valve inside existing valve box and connect to existing water line; install 36" x 36" x 8" depth concrete drinking fountain foundation; excavate a 24" x 24" x3' deep hole to install and connect water line to dry well sump[;
-Remove existing seating on Visitor Center porch and replace with ADA compliant seating; and
-Excavate 4" deep x 24" x 38" and pour a 6" x 24" x 38" concrete pad for trash/recycle receptacles.
At Visitor Center Entry:
- Remove and replace wood entry door threshold; rehang entrance doors and install new door hardware;
- Remove 15 linear feet of existing sales counter; refinish existing adjacent floor, install new 20 foot long ADA compliant sales counter; and
- Install new electrical receptacle at sales counter floor.
In Visitor Center Sunken Room:
- Remove and dispose of 36 sq. ft. of glass exhibit windows and move existing exhibits to adjacent room;
-Construct 229 sq. ft. of wood decking over existing sunken exhibit r room to bring entire floor to same level, install 60 sq. ft. of wood ramp with hand rails to provide connection to main room;
-Install new power receptacles by extending existing floor receptacles up to new decking;
-Install 36 sq. ft. of new tempered glass for exhibit window into existing frame;
-Install four 25 sq. ft. interpretive wall panels, one 10 sq. ft. low profile panel, and one
- 190 sq. ft. vitrine display case; and
- Remove existing down lights and replace with in kind LED lights.
In Visitor Center Restroom:
-Remove existing interior door and fixtures;
-Remove 10 linear feet of 8' high interior partition wall and 10 sq. ft. of linoleum;
-Install a new 3' x 6' 8" door with new hardware;
-Paint wall and install 25 sq. ft. of new vinyl flooring;
-Install new fixtures;
-Remove existing light and install LED light.
At Camp Lisa Site:
-Remove 8 Jeffrey pine and white fir trees ranging from 6" to 20" dbh in size;
-In the parking area: Saw-cut, remove and dispose of 1,500 sq. ft. of existing asphalt and aggregate base to 6" depth. Install 1,400 sq. ft. of 3" depth asphalt over 6" depth aggregate base. Stripe for two accessible parking spaces, add concrete parking blocks and install ADA signage;
-Demolish existing 400 sq. ft. combination building and remove the 1.5' x 1.5' perimeter footing. Dispose of off-site;
-Pump out existing underground septic tank. Excavate a 6' depth x 5' wide x 8' long hole to remove tank itself. Excavate an additional 8" x 6' x 8' and install new, in-kind, tank within same footprint; excavate to remove approx. 35 linear feet of existing sewer line, approx. 25 linear feet of existing gas line, and approx. 20 linear feet of existing waterline from former building site;
- Install 650 sq. f.t of aggregate base compacted to 6", excavate 25 linear feet of 6" deep x4' wide cobble swale, and excavate a trench 10 linear feet x 2' deep x 8" wide to install a 6" diameter HOPE to connect storm water drain to cobble swale;
-In same footprint as demolished combination building, excavate 1.5'x1.5' deep trenches (238 linear feet total) for new perimeter foundation; fill and grade to create 1,200 sq. ft. building pad; install 6" aggregate base and cover with 4" of concrete to create a concrete apron adjacent to structure;
-Trench 1' wide x 3' deep x 30 feet, install 4" sewer pipe to connect new structure to new septic tank; trench 1' wide x 1' deep x 30 feet and install %" gas line to connect structure to existing LP tank; and trench 1' wide x2' deep x 30 feet, install 2" water pipe to connect structure to new valve box; and
-Erect an 802 sq. ft. CMU combination building including solar photovoltaic panels installed on roof structure. Finishes will match existing structure, color and park character.
At Camp Jamieson Exterior Shower:
-Remove 2 grab bars & 5 sq. ft. of tile adjacent to shower head and fixtures from existing outdoor shower;
-Salvage shower head, and fixtures to reinstall at specified accessible heights;
-Install 2 new grab bars into wall; and
-Replace tile around new fixture and accessory installations.
Contact Information
Brad Michalk
Agency Name
California Department of Parks and Recreation
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
S:15031,2,3,31 Class 1,2,3,31
Reasons for Exemption
Project consists of the minor alteration of existing facilities involving no expansion of use beyond existing, included as "Modifications of existing facilities for disabled access"; the replacement or reconstruction of existing structures and facilities where the new structure will be located on the same site as the structure replaced and will have substantially the same purpose as the structure replaced, included as "Septic tank replacement"; the construction and location of limited numbers of new, small facilities, included as "installation of interpretive signing or panels" in the Dpt. of Parks and Recreation's list of exempt activities, in accordance with CCR §15300.4; and the rehabilitation of historical resources, in a manner consistent with the Secretary of the Interior's Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties with Guidelines for Preserving, Rehabilitating, Restoring, and Reconstructing Historic Buildings (1995),Weeks and Grimmer.
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