Ishi Conservation Camp Water System Upgrade Project
SCH Number
Public Agency
California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection
Document Title
Ishi Conservation Camp Water System Upgrade Project
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The Tehama Glenn Unit of CAL FIRE is proposing a water system upgrade project in eastern Tehama County, CA. The project will be located on the grounds of the Ishi Conservation Camp. The elevation is 2,000 ft. The project is located on flat slopes. Vegetation surrounding the property is open oak woodland. The project as proposed is to dig/drill up to two wells. Four sites have been proposed and the third and fourth site may not be needed, in the event water is located at the first and second proposed sites. Once water has been located, the wells will be capped and rock material will be put down over the existing soil. In the vicinity of the wells, a small pump house will be constructed. Approximately 2500 ft to 4000 ft of trenches will be dug for new water lines to be placed in from each well to the well house and from the well house to the existing main water transportation line that leads to the existing storage tanks. The existing storage tanks will be removed and one to two larger tanks placed in the location of the existing storage tanks and if sufficient funds allow, a sewer line leading from center of camp up to the water tank site will be replaced. All four proposed well sites are within areas of the camp that have been subject to repeated ground disturbance. Lee Thomas from CAL FIRE Northern Region Technical Services and Scott Martin from CAL FIRE Ishi Conservation Camp will be coordinating work ont he project. Work is planned to begin in mid-July 2016.
Contact Information
Dawn Pedersen
Agency Name
Cal Fire
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
Red Bluff
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Reasons for Exemption
New construction or conversion of small structures and minor alterations to land.
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