OG Synergy 052024-001

9 Documents in Project


SCH Number
Lead Agency
City of Long Beach
Document Title
OG Synergy 052024-001
Document Type
NOD - Notice of Determination
Document Description
*Note, per lead agency, correction on 10.25.24: "...from 18 to 8 new drill wells." - see memo. The proposed activities are to drill 18 new wells (Bixby A 2-13 through Bixby A 2-30, PUMPKIN PATCH SITE) in the Seal Beach Oil Field to continue resource development. Work included in the proposed project consists of site construction, drilling, testing, and ancillary construction for storage and processing of product as well as connections for new production equipment to existing pipelines, as well as new pipeline connections. The proposed project is estimated to take less than 1,460 days once work begins. Site construction will include the preparation and construction of 1 well pad and 1 new group well cellar, grading of locations for pipeline racks, construction of processing equipment and tank farm locations, office and warehouse space, parking, equipment storage, and access roads. Construction and installation of tank farms and processing facilities, power generation, gas processing, pipeline racks, buildings, and well servicing assemblies will be constructed and installed. Pipelines will be above ground in containment, except, where identified in the proposed project plans, they are to go under roadways. Tank farms, loading facilities, and processing equipment will be in approved containment areas. The well cellar pads will accommodate the drill rig, staging of materials, other temporary equipment, parking, and production/drilling equipment racking. Drilling of each well is expected to take 15 days to reach target depth and install casing. If the well is determined to be viable, production will proceed. If not, it will be plugged back and abandoned. A production rig will be used to complete the well and prepare the well for production testing or set up for injection. CalGEM relies on the Lead Agency’s document, as it pertains to the proposed project activity. This permit is for an oil or gas activity within the scope of the analysis set forth in the City of Long Beach Los Cerritos Wetlands Restoration and Oil Consolidation Project Final Environmental Impact Report (FEIR) certified on November 1, 2017, prepared by the City of Long Beach (SCH #2016041083). CalGEM considered the FEIR and the analysis therein, and issues this permit in its capacity as a Responsible Agency with expertise in the activities authorized by this permit. CalGEM, as the CEQA Responsible Agency, approved permit(s) for Synergy Oil & Gas, LLC to drill the wells, listed below, in the Seal Beach Oil Field of Los Angeles County. Form ID Well Name Latitude Longitude 558495 Bixby A 2-13 33.75436261 -118.10548550 559526 Bixby A 2-14 33.75429532 -118.10558950 559842 Bixby A 2-15 33.75426840 -118.10563110 560509 Bixby A 2-16 33.75425494 -118.10565190 560752 Bixby A 2-17 33.75424148 -118.10567270 560905 Bixby A 2-18 33.75422802 -118.10569360 560943 Bixby A 2-19 33.75421456 -118.10571440 560976 Bixby A 2-20 33.75420111 -118.10573520 564210 Bixby A 2-21 33.75416746 -118.10578720 564217 Bixby A 2-22 33.75414054 -118.10582880 564338 Bixby A2-23 33.75412708 -118.10584960 564473 Bixby A2-24 33.75410016 -118.10589120 564505 Bixby A2-25 33.75408670 -118.10591200 564523 Bixby A2-26 33.75404633 -118.10597440 564541 Bixby A 2-27 33.75403287 -118.10599530 564905 Bixby A 2-28 33.75401941 -118.10601610 565340 Bixby A 2-29 33.75400595 -118.10603690 565355 Bixby A 2-30 33.75399249 -118.10605770

Contact Information

Greg Chittick
Agency Name
Department of Conservation, Geologic Energy Management Division
Job Title
CEQA Program Contractor
Contact Types
Responsible Agency


Long Beach
Los Angeles
Countywide, Statewide

Notice of Determination

Approving Agency
Department of Conservation, Geologic Energy Management Division
Approving Agency Role
Responsible Agency
Approved On
County Clerk
Los Angeles
Final Environmental Document Available at
A copy of the Los Cerritos Wetlands Restoration and Oil Consolidation Project FEIR and associated documents prepared by the City of Long Beach, including the Response to Comments, MMRP, and all other related documents, can be made available to the public by contacting the City of Long Beach, located at: Planning Bureau, Community Development Department, 411 West Ocean Boulevard, 3rd Floor, Long Beach, CA 90802; or an electronic copy of these documents may be accessed online at (by searching for “Los Cerritos” under “Approved/Certified” projects): https://www.longbeach.gov/lbcd/planning/environmental/reports/


(1) The project will have a significant impact on the environment
(2a) An Environmental Impact Report was prepared for this project pursuant to the provisions of CEQA
(2b) A Mitigated or a Negative Declaration was prepared for this project pursuant to the provisions of CEQA
(2c) An other document type was prepared for this project pursuant to the provisions of CEQA
(3) Mitigated measures were made a condition of the approval of the project
(4) A mitigation reporting or monitoring plan was adopted for this project
(5) A Statement of Overriding Considerations was adopted for this project
(6) Findings were made pursuant to the provisions of CEQA


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