Clay Pit State Vehicular Recreation Area (SVRA) Culvert Crossings and Drainage Area Fencing
SCH Number
Public Agency
California Department of Parks and Recreation
Document Title
Clay Pit State Vehicular Recreation Area (SVRA) Culvert Crossings and Drainage Area Fencing
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
Two culvert crossings will be constructed within the Drainage Management Use Area of Clay Pit SVRA. Both crossings will include the installation of 24" culvert pipes in conjunction with the creation of a hardened crossing utilizing articulated concrete block mats. In addition, Peeler-core fencing is going to be installed around the Drainage Management Use Area of Clay Pit SVRA. The fencing will be utilized to exclude OHV recreation from the drainage and connecting wetlands. Permits from the necessary regulatory agencies have been obtained for the construction of the culvert crossings. The drainage and all seasonal wetlands will be avoided during construction of the fence, and all materials will be staged in upland areas.
Contact Information
Max Heitner
Agency Name
California Department of Parks and Recreation
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Class 3; Sec. 15303
Reasons for Exemption
This project falls under Categorical Exemption 15303 - New construction or conversion of small structures. In regards to the two culvert crossings, "Class 3 fence would fall under sub-section (e) - Accessory structures including garages, carports, patios, swimming pools, and fences will clean and organize the maintenance yard, while making it a safer work area. The project will remove falling non-native trees, re-contour the ground surface, and add rock base for surface water runoff project will be a minor alteration of the condition of the land. It will not have a negative effect on sensitive resources.
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