Consider the Rescission of a Prior Approval and Approval of a Revised Compromise Title Settlement and Land Exchange Agreement between the State of California
SCH Number
Public Agency
California State Lands Commission
Document Title
Consider the Rescission of a Prior Approval and Approval of a Revised Compromise Title Settlement and Land Exchange Agreement between the State of California
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
Acting by and Through the State Lands Commission, and the Treasure Island Development Authority Involving Certain Lands Located on Treasure Island and Yerba Buena Island, San Francisco Bay, City and County of San Francisco - W25115/AD 559/G 11-02
Rescinds the prior Commission approval for the Compromise Title Settlement and Land Exchange Agreement between the State of CA, acting by and through the CA State Lands Commission, and the Treasure Island Development Authority (C83, 1/26/12). Approves and authorizes the execution, acknowledgement, and recordation of the Compromise Title Settlement and Land Exchange Agreement and associated deeds and acceptances and leases on behalf of the Commission, in substantially the form of the copy of such agreement on file with the Commission.
Contact Information
Reid Boggiano
Agency Name
California State Lands Commission
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
San Francisco
San Francisco
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Statutory Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Reasons for Exemption
Title settlement and land exchange agreement does not have a potential for resulting in either a direct or a reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment.
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