2021-2029 Housing Element Update
6 Documents in Project
SCH Number
Lead Agency
City of Yucaipa
Document Title
2021-2029 Housing Element Update
Document Type
NOD - Notice of Determination
Document Description
The proposed project includes the City of Yucaipa housing element update, one of the required elements of the City's general plan. As part of the housing element update, the proposed project includes a zone change from Institutional (IN) to Multiple Residential (RM-24) for Strategy 5, Oak Glen and Colorado Street/Avenue E and establishes the Development Opportunity Reserve Overlay associated with Strategy 7, Corridor Development Opportunity Reserve. The Development Opportunity Reserve Overlay that would increase the intensity of housing units allowed within the overlay to 20-24 dwelling units per acre and would serve as a reserve to meet the City's RHNA allocation.
Contact Information
Benjamin Matlock
Agency Name
City of Yucaipa
Job Title
Planning Manager / City Planner
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency / Project Applicant
San Bernardino
Citywide, Countywide, Southern California, Statewide
Cross Streets
Total Acres
State Highways
Interstate 10, State Route 38
Other Location Info
As the housing element update to the City's General Plan, the proposed project is citywide. Yucaipa is in the eastern portion of the San Bernardino Valley at the foot of the San Bernardino Mountains. It is bordered by Calimesa and unincorporated Riverside County to the south; Redlands and unincorporated San Bernardino County to the west, which includes the community of Mentone; and the foothills of the San Bernardino Mountains to the north and east in unincorporated San Bernardino County. Yucaipa encompasses 18,090 acres, and its sphere of influence (SOI) consists of an additional 1,663 acres, for a total of 19,753 acres across the entire plan area. The San Bernardino National Forest runs along the City's northeast border. The Crafton Hills run along the City's northwest boundary, separating the City from
the unincorporated San Bernardino County community of Mentone and the City of Redlands. Regional access to the City is provided by Interstate 10 (1-10), which runs northwest to southeast through the southwest area of the City, and State Route 38 (SR-38) runs just along the northern City boundary.
Notice of Determination
Approving Agency
City of Yucaipa
Approving Agency Role
Lead Agency
Approved On
County Clerk
San Bernardino
Final Environmental Document Available at
City of Yucaipa Development Services Department, 34272 Yucaipa Blvd, Yucaipa, CA 92399
(1) The project will have a significant impact on the environment
(2a) An Environmental Impact Report was prepared for this project pursuant to the provisions of CEQA
(2b) A Mitigated or a Negative Declaration was prepared for this project pursuant to the provisions of CEQA
(2c) An other document type was prepared for this project pursuant to the provisions of CEQA
Yes (Addendum (to the Yucaipa General Plan Environmental Impact Report, SCH No: 2014101003))
(3) Mitigated measures were made a condition of the approval of the project
(4) A mitigation reporting or monitoring plan was adopted for this project
(5) A Statement of Overriding Considerations was adopted for this project
(6) Findings were made pursuant to the provisions of CEQA
Notice of Determination
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