Temporary Urgency Actions for Emergency Relief Consisting of Temporary Reduction in Minimum Merced River Flows Pursuant to Davis-Grunsky Agreement
SCH Number
Public Agency
Merced Irrigation District
Document Title
Temporary Urgency Actions for Emergency Relief Consisting of Temporary Reduction in Minimum Merced River Flows Pursuant to Davis-Grunsky Agreement
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The District's Lake McClure is the primary source of surface water supplies used by the District to provide water to approximately 2,200 growers within the District, covering more than 164,000 acres on the eastern side of Merced County in the San Joaquin Valley. Lake McClure is fed by rain and snowfall in the Merced River watershed above Lake McClure reaching into Yosemite National Park. Although runoff varies from year to year, on average the watershed ahs more than 900,000 AF of water runoff per year.
The proposed action is necessary to address and help mitigate severe drought conditions and impacts that will be experienced because of the lack of water supplies. An urgent need for the temporary changes exists in order to assist in meeting critical water supply needs, as well as to provide additional supplies and in-stream flows in the Merced River for fish species and habitat.
Contact Information
John Sweigard
Agency Name
Merced Irrigation District
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
Mariposa, Merced
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
15301(i), 15307, 15308
Reasons for Exemption
Actions taken by regulatory agencies for protection of natural resources; actions taken by regulatory agencies for protection of the environment; existing facilities.
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